jtoawsyto times in spots where i t required; not itttlebhhour sand
' management» to plant jthem. The soil was mostly sand
mised with a little elayi ;and partaking of; theigganite
- strata which day helow? it. Hereabouts in the little; dells
were scattered’ small neat houses, surrounded by patches
of landmnderfeultiYationj andrapparentlyagas^ssible only
by the iiverj.^fen its- bed were freqientiy h t i ^ d to?
gether stones^ which with stakes of wood, formed a-kind
of dam, leaving sluices through which the watm rashes
w ith a rapid stream ; and in these are placed haskets-pf
wicker-work, having pointed sticks within sideponveygr
ing towards each other, Which permit; the fish t# pap
through them, b u t prevent their ‘regress r thns* rendeiPtg
them the prey of the proprietor of those snares.
• As soon as the h ills opposite to ©aioh, othepiih^li ji
fee less rugged, tobacco was planted on theire simttihil
sides, contrary To the usual system Chinese* T^ieutb
tare^ w h ich affects to erect terraces% on eYW'^praeticahle
slope. There were however some mountains which wdre
barren and of a horrid aspect. No -tet be
doseovered on them. Rocks piled upon rocks ip e*ery
fantastic - form, threaten the passenger sailing unefer their
overhanging heads. Five of the most remarkable of
those tremendous heaps were termed fey the Chinese
the live horses’ heads. One was distinguished towards
its summit, by layers of different coloured stones. Other
hills consisted chiefly of mines of- coal rising directly
frhm^kfefWten and;opening into day.^Thuy were; work- jo^neyto
esdi fey Rawing laffay^ifr©® the rweaartp tmeiskde,©t! yhe -n—i—
barges fiuom the mouth of an h ariz®nlali shaft. jThis eoalJs
ofdisuftsi^py nMnrej,sfeiyery,j.andeasilypi®lsreiiizied, and
suehas] Is» smwefehpes -nailed ‘Culm .cpa-h ’A<s.|hfesi^hinese
have« noj fire^piahes- with open,gmlysi,;feut' burn .(jhg|t0ifj$af
in *elfese>'Stoves, .they' commonly! schan th$hmiohk jj previously
toritsi being employeMor fuels, andifoi? jthk>puurpjasje
daef> |)itsi#e dug in
ghneeal jsspiril.: of' foeohomny^Kf ndh^sd;!. perhaps,'
ne^efisaiyf-hy; .the ; immens h yu<tfi Their pop ulatfen, the
diahti fcjmw'ioS\ the eoafscis cnofe iosfthp tfeem--- A liuehhuad
is o.btain edubyegfitfeerangithis,dwstj andlmddmgpbywiih
tiftS),ofr,-sQft;eartk> collected .out <a£o marshy
grtmnds,.whieh,wbenmadfe intothe;&iM offbcrieksiand
rendered: snfidn irilihei tsfinhiifi: tramphrted tmdisftriot«
whitre nocaaLis fonndi .
As soon as stsh®» rife® c;£becamef suiEoien lily dbep ;and
witte}/the passage barges were.' cha'hgdd hu, dagger‘ and
more cummodiotasiy ashtsfc; 8 The volume phwptedw^ini
creased by a junction wifefes anothenicrmfiderafete stream
coming from i thes »or-thrwest. Ae thoin ocm^uerpeisfobf
thsicity of* Gban-'choofcfon, ,the environs! of, which were
anditesbaecoi,: thdi asHtg,-^B«M^fet>tK80ie fdantmii wkh' eyh
ton and the sesaBwqroa. 8Tdle;|jp^%whmh.'ply..ftoa| :eiik