days. :: By Extending ^jtke/jc^GMlatkm^rarxjiirious "in--
| f ^ r e r ma.y firnddn what spkteio'f tmmthejifeijl©^ -'silv
•'tVjNd$|m^hb be (filled- by^the successive depositions
j ; fur, supposing ithatJSe'a
“ todexfend* northwaldi froma that river, iands*tb;<xncltide
“ the gulfs: o f Pe-ehedee and Leadong, the 11 timber'up
PI'&qbare.iiiilesruaaf the isurfadeiofithis -extent, would l ||
“ about ; 125j00,0, which multiplied 'b y 'th e ;hunabdf
M (seventy)-oF days, necessary for; consolidating one
k| mileisquatev; would!make 8,750,000 days,-br'"2T,0(pt)
“ years.
‘ ‘ This calculation, mdefedy'impfiesI that the4’qUanti^
?&bf»e&rth wafted, By-the,Yellow river,'-Always'Remains
- “ the-same, * which: maynot be the case; • -yet dtmsideri
“ ing the vast length-of. this;river's course, the rabidity
“ of US'1 descent from the Tartarianmouh tains, sleeping
if, Before it whatever-meets;its Stream; tlje frequfent inun-
ff dations which its increased'voliime'andVeldcitypaftef
“ heavy rains, ectedasion :-in?t;be ShmenSe Mfct^dr a^y;
It country; eonsistingnf a!soil of.a loose texture, 'through
“ whichi itipasseSy' it Ss‘ possible .that , an equal quantify
‘ ‘ of earth; asiaE present; wilfbe-borne down by-it for a
“ 'great.number of ages, yet to come.1 ,
During the progress: of the yachts towards the YelloW
river, various letters passed between the Eihp'e'rbr and
the present respectable conductor of the. Embassy, on
whose representation, the letter to Sir Erasmus Gower
which had■-been^fÉfained by Ho-chd^rjigrtaungh$;was
forwarded by his Imperial M a j e s t y t o
Ghu-xanVJ.-SunUa-Zhift quotedo^bhout afthesiImperial
dispatches 's^serab expressions of! kindness and attention
tOwardstHe Embassador.. The latterswasj^Aeed, .privately
ihforrûed ühbke expïeskohswé-re- in'C@nsèqwenfi©;df the-
rSJÉfcteofxfcl ie conduct aînd* disposition of the, Embassy,
made <to him1 by*Shn-tat-'ZKinf,i w hoi de.çlared i;th#I . fro m
the mbst'Teaife&il:obsëfc^at-ion, beswaa. convinced;that- the
Eiiscba^s'adorrèally'èkatertained' n © ©,bhghMiew|ftha® tinsse
0f p^dcurAngTfoTjhis;country advantages initr.adie,.i3^jch
the! people xxf 'Europb donsidérèdjas an Qbjenfeof,ljhfe first
imporianee, howfevesr trifling; dp-ithe feyésidJaa&Sk^ese
sfetesm3n,!jorturiworthy t*he trouble ,of. so|disJa^tai.n,;?x'
pedition'/^erehy dor. ^he ÿ)ur.pasg«of promoting :ih;i .and
âddirigdfhathë-cquldiperdeivemothing inch's.sentiments.
or etnanners’ of ■ the 'English, - o f iwbfoh .the pommynica-
tioA hould’ be productive u f an y miséhipf jtp the^jia^tion
syhhwhichtheydhighfc wish to.niainlaiu an inteicouijse^
-«rpfe> Emperor’s-gracious* expressions ,w.erh.^qpmpa-
hM#fs0metinies,hwith' présente n£. dried' ;meats .frpmjiis
tab^e,! In:.the ^Eastern .manner, jby^ayl^^okenSsdfrfjhjs;
personal-idgaAk dlnejEepiy.to Sunda-Zhih s J^gp-iuhis
Imperial MaJekyasshred himi that “ ihfe-enter.fcained him-
“ Isèlf à, high-esteem? for. SthèçEmb as sadpr - and Jr'is n atiop
‘ not^ithstanding^he rsfamomp surmteés that hadjog#»
“ imade. about thein 1 oand'