those piercing winds find out channels to pa$s .through
every partofi the crop, affecting the coots as Welles the
Sterns ©f the'grqwing corn.
Besidet#he_wheat flour, for making the^soft bread,or
cak% by the means .©fsteam., as mentioned in *a.former
chapter, much of it rs used in forming theisuhstance 'Called
in Europe vermicelli, mueh relished by tbetChin^srjv
To each .cottage is attached a small-spot onground lot-
raising culinary vegetables ■; and about cashier e
hogs and poultry, particularly duck^. The^ajrcasses^f
many of the latter are spread out, .waited and d-ajed,_?and
sent in this state as an article of'comjnerce to many?$||the
great cities. The ait of hatching dupBlingSj by artificial
heat, has long been familiarly p ra c tis e d th ^ p e o jp le .
They were not, indeed'jfcaught by the ostrich leaviag^ls
eggs dn the sand to be'hatched by the. sun, th-a'tbpd-fnQ<t
being known to be indigenous to China, but perh^ps^hy
the icroeodile, small species of -which j|rpfottnd#iHy$f>SB£
of the southern rivers of the empire. ,
In this part of the-country, near t he » field s'w h eat,
were several patches of buck-wheat now in -full fLowe??-
The produce of this species of polygonum is applied to
the other grain, and its flour is remarkably
fine and white.
The gentlemen of the Embassy had in this tract,
abundant leisure to make excursions upon land, as the
boats were proceeding against the strong ourrent of the
river, thetesnfis’eibf which-iwa'sdo tfcemorth-eaiit./A suf- jcmmay«
fidieritj minfjb'er :of mem sdere impfcseduby tbenifianda-
ripes $pftt-apk>;die bda^lsj bufcthiwpay all’ovfbdi'by.go.v'ern-
n^mt iV^wn^^dteqlnatfe to ltte labour; and -many of tfiertt.
withdrewrfiotni tbectask whenever ttfiey found' Jan oppW*
tunityferif^capififgjnn^ereeived. Itoftenhapp^nedrtfisat-
a >set iuf/tntckers , were e'kchafigeddin *t!he might, that fresh
niight be. surprised and forced into the 'serviese. j A^su-j
perintehdamjt,. like a. negro driver in thepWest-Ind'fesy
mareheS generaffilybehmdkheiil -^flhfa^wHip^ quicken
their '^aee.-andiprpvent their; dekerfcion v I1
Qn thefieighteeribh p t. October dfofrErrfbassy 'entered:
of fihanPungv^Alldtstpro^inciakaftt^ndaiitSf
wBrs sftken. s cfianged'.fo^’ olkeife destined- to ■ (attend.; dfc/ttfc
Han? cfiobdbtfv: 3 Tw.o Cities ry^eret|i£ssedjfe. thectqulrse a>f
the afteraooEK ’Before edch,sas indecd'bek^e^eide^dfOT^'fi
u ^ n th ^ r iv e r 4<aig8R©atmdmbfertbf fdmkfi pid? barges j^ah
obseti^diutLafichd);. i | a
was, 'emplpyted ipereIigfofis .>ceEempnieSv'5.*#UHs fififig)
: altiWt/gehtiifoall'y3;. ;band^#£,^ isyianusic; .* Striking toi
s.dmo.hundred'l®os ;■
matches burning,
jfemfndddhi^htillithe3fMng M HfeysnnKJa
^Tfiee province, j in- thisopawx)fi i^oaip pears iatpeTfeeti
levefEm both sddesfoflthe river, fHere; wfereiseeh ghdsk-v
ing, togetherwidp wheat and milltefidm? few fielddiofi
VOL. II. '% Z '