journpyto thrdukh bamboo tubes by the Chinese ; and ther pra6tiee
Front#. jjfjg perhaps, mote pi®wrehtJ attongst them, than in any
pther cbuntry,. as nt extends to persons of hoth sexes^'snd
to'those of-.a very tender ,'kg©i;; ■ Girlsriot’mofë thâh
ten f years i old, or ^^oungei4r; comingT'frôm' the< hQ#s^ÈS
near the road out of ciiridsity to sèe?theistrangèrsÿpass,
were >dbserved to haveidbng rpi|iSsJ€isngtantly inuthbir
mouths, c ri
. . This plant is supposed, mEuropejTo have bêëîï inÈth-
ducedfrom America, to every part of the?ancient Itetè-
nnàti^ThefredÉSj however, no traditioml aécduhf of sueh
introduction into China, of eveh; as asserted"* ihto ‘In dia,
where it is likewise culdvkffidaand hsfedin-Ydsvabuh-
dance. In neither country are foreign'us’agësftshddÉftly
adopted. It is possible, that, like theigin-sehg,. it mky
be nàturally'fonnd' in particular spots,-both- in tHeoéld
andtnew World.
. Tobaêfcôîis taken in powder likewise by the Ghinesè: A
mandarine is seldom without-a small ornamented phiaht<|>
hold his snuff , of which he occasionally pours a quantity,
ekjual to a pinch, upon the back of his left hand, between
the thumb and index, which approaching to hisnoièshê
snuffs up several times W?day. It is not The only kubs-
stance which is used in China id “gratify this âfffifîciâl
appetite. Powdered cinnabar is often enaployedTor the
same purpose ; ; as ' opium and odorous ingrédients* fere
fod fSUaokihgi. ?
It wa^now.thte|.^^oj^;fpR^prin^^f^ e«o^|g4thisi', npet
mtipniW^p^rfor-medinip^dy in fcfelopA .ai
Tho manp buildi ng s «1 und saiiy fpr the,- ma.-
nufadtuiipjpf ithat >-articlejfen -the-<Westi; Iu-slifew.yht hiffe
Sj@MP&hy ,is9n|^ ,we?eifjrequk^di ih^g^i^ei^gilifcd^jThpptBeir!
hensionio.f rain,to j$ j jU < ] ; e '4 ,h e l e s rw h e p /jff^ckd
edj. T hey were; hun g^on? icords^ to i^w».wida ojifran vr rfHeW
ter;,.upon thj^sppt in > which 'tfe§^^^hp8^te|Qwhbj|9®d
his family were sufficient fo ta^eg$a¥|jg^hij§$<yY®•pji^iSJep.
These ."circumstances sefyeijtftindiga^d'i-hfi n'ati^j®^%hu
^Jamatefittle subject to moistupg«and 11 helggn
o f■ jiropeaUy. into mmuteapaisgols. ,yiiidfledlioin
this pa.rt..‘of Th inassume 1 aufl^ffiKMiled tb'Taf#dfami]ies',’
^ithe^ondij^onmfJfenda^ QnmiI^aa^fl^kds.,knd.whi)pJa
generally descend tcb the- eldtste s$ji; but athire;.arfe mot
many'sneh ^uandmone -ofthem alp saidJt®>te feity?£qn-
In the third day bpepMad®®J^-®nJed
somewhat to' diminish. iPhee. p)idij5pas^eduthioi||(|B.i a
small town, surrounded by a wall, but *with-f^tjh>ainnon,
wMchqindeed were, dekmaed unaiecesgin^»^s-ihheen <|my
posse'ssed’y f artillery was»To. be.apprehdnded^i-thecchSpf
tise^ Therefore;, -of Thoseffcam-pa'rts -^^ss^.Ttfigjpifengithe
tribute and«‘taxes That h a d n h e e n t h f e i|Lf,igh-
bouring district!^ in the® passiagptfSth »capital y f o r !t*he
protection ofqhepub^i%gr.a|:iakids',')arid for The
the prisons .sPiRfbopscweEecgairis.oned^heite ibrvjfehaseipnri