what lite^oth^it splolictP' feqmahdiffl8nsk)h^ f e d |delded in
th©yba®r j ^The celebration ®f this e&emplary ifesfiiVM |« s
ib justly .mayrfrefr^rmedy is nadfefeflKjfei^fe^dats-'^fefei^i:
vilflge of, the; empires jit is; meant to; gratify reven to! the
humblest cottager, and to^be’SoteG.^es^^lltieMjfo jhimi hi
the-disappointments which the vicissitudes of thfe season
frequently Oocdsionj wheri he; reeolledts».that his'CafflM^
hassfeeh*. dignified • in being adopted fry; hisi sovereign; j
who is tlius incorporated'in the mosCimnaerousi aaadmsie
fed elassjamongihfrrsatt^eets, and seems to? ao^fefre| aTS®ntA
moa interest with; them. I
- Within the walls, dikewistffNaf the Chte¥sh ■ e ity ijfe t
been;kfected- th e . VPien-tan, or e^nme^<^%mW0tsS-''pPke'
singlercharaeterf*h’eK, or freavenf is inscribed upoii tfefe
piihrapd; building; bm this eminences Its form .is round,
in allwsidnrto’ the vault of the heavenly firmament, as it
strikes the eye ; in-like manner !as the or tern plb
dedifcaiedto the earth, which the aneiint Chinfesedupl
posedto be ^ p e rfe c t square, tis of a square form; I In the
summer 'solstice, when the heat and power o f the) sun is
at» thehighest; »the Emperor, comes in solemn process-ion
to ipdyofredience,; and offer thanks for- -its; benign influenced
and; in the winter^olsfrce; similar ceremofiieSiare
per formed'inthe temple of the;earth.; In neither-ii^any
personificatiotf* Some*, ' at;*1feastp«ofi the ia^glvers of
China * proedêded^ïhowever,x from th e | contemplation; of
material ‘OjMsten’cebto a firlt cause/to .Which- they gave-a
namely while others addeckcsafcrifi.ces^of 'slaughtered; ani-
malsiHas?tp^mbeing,^susceptib]e;a£freingigratrfied byîthe
-4 Thisisolemmadoration-of h^àKferitnmdieatth- is confined
totfre per son of ike Emperor ;;
is performed atiPekin, .wherehe Hkewise4a^ear§"dbrd'âtî'
inkja/variety iof pther>gmmd pr©GeSsiioh«{isïtàggestëd%ysfhfe
ml^edwlewis) ofrjpalk^îand- region.'. T J iê ï^ a ^ ls c ^ e l^
a-ny-iOther ,p uhlic ( ‘spèütaelhs'îin -that I e ity f (pud- thdyî &rê
seme tardes compared to- the ï<rel%î® u^Dèremnnint/roFÿfei
W^kMA his- Hoi mess atoRotekm In. Otpir-WeSphcts few of
whichueontribute t to {*the lacggraBdizemëht .of1 otfrferX cà-t
« l OEpi
/^Pekinis merely the seat o f the government of the em-
p f r f e lt isjnofea port, Itfs not a plaèfeof inland tride/nbr
opnùfoeture; '
with? numerous; retainers,i assemble ■ th ere;1 to1 aMsiyq ; • or
cheek,!or ekamine ,uh&’measures?ofa-heBetownq iftJferhss
no rendezvous for pleasifeiandtedfefiÉtïtfnw chief
chiés fofaÇtfrogeaàwèKtouéh)oiÿkfiir opnhteoiydze,--tod
population to. the ^flfox'fofkthds$. pers^ds/; the
gifbofitheir progemtofcsy.or. by;tfre<favour! of the prindej
pa®e®tlwfealth without labour■; and Mèkÿtiiàâ
course o f multitudes