canton. | , .The Chinese are, in fa,ct, dependent in. thi|s^rg^|^gjt
upon the learning oB.otbwLna!d©n$-? Thedpereasipg ixn-
portatioronfj the,, production? bfi other; p,0ijnt^if s-^nto,: t|t#
Ghinesfe portky created another!'fpcbfea f*f jdepgxi^frigfij
which' Several 1 statesmen jj of, China» Jspftpfejly; Tartars!,
considered as an evilr and were- desirhUs. to, disconrage,
fra aggravating; tokff&e Gfain^ai jCdbinet$eve r ^nóbnysëf
iiierice 'OD'xlisturbance occasioned by gdi$>&dnbssiqnj.,QSf
fbkeign trade »• To guard as rtwibh as*'
cidbtits which might endanger the cöntlnuaneeöf ^ccngj
meroial intercourse with China, -wa&'iJerh^pj^1 amoni’ th$
motives that determined the nations cohëefned .in/it .to
continue thé tfade in the handt óf therJfeblioeO'J^ïPi#:
established to carry it on ;; nor are thebe an^.prwate-ihatj
chants from Europe allowed toi Gantops,
such ;as resideitherè underidofindssiónsi from stvfelfeign
powers; If, in factj-Hthe European-trade ^h&Sjihnhibgen
maintained there without kome dij®<p|ty^notwitbs.tand-
ingyall the caution,igoéd;faith, punetualiiy,d®dff#b|%‘
ante of the-agents bfrjjublib companies, it is much to be
apprehended that when such qualities could not be .e&-
- pécted to be isó. invariably exerted by» in d ividuals, , ®ojt
always guided by experience, exacting upon Strict and
uniform principles,, disputes might arise, frauds,tesat-
temptedy and events take place, of which .the eneihieS: o f
foreigners might take advantage to exclude th.ërnialtoger
ther. The present restraints upon foreign comiAeree did
‘nothin fa'eO, always'sufrsist ih-Ghina.; b u t wifp^Stablish-
ed àn'xhnSeqjience (of dissatisfaction' hhvingdaétæifefel^by
the govfernmynt' of thaeoun'try, at the'-;supÿ®#èd 'hüseonk
duefref. thefrEüropeanswhofrequenfèd'i'tBeir pckfsy all of
which were eqûallyîîbpenr 'formerlynt0 ?i?traiïgefes;'; fThë'
sècdnhts/ôfevay&gés todShina ih t?IaË'!sixteen;};h rândîsévens
teenthî céntmies jrbèfore; andrsiprélthe TartpnrfcbWqnesff;
metition^the<afEiViaHèflship^,‘ 'passenè^si;<ianid* gwlll froni
Europe,- rat different^QVfskQf China' ■ rm themt:âûyrsort nf
molestation ifom thergdvdrnment^b'E^in'dividualsy^ahd
travellers incChinétîe'.dEëss'es'jtràŸérléd t-M^&ipi^ without
dangëfe1 hub since that period,. iupoîn:èvMy/complaint,
often;'either ill-founded ,1 bri exaggerated îbysarï' dppretssive
magistrate', for:* interested individhTf,' and ^transmitted",to
th"b distant court of Pekin, -against- theÆp^lilhf.©X'’oehers',
who had no; friends -, there Qlji défend thehdeausë? Some
new restriction' wasipiitoupob their commereé-jahd .their
conducts oonfirmingrandahèighténing' thefprUjudircssief
thejvulgax against them, and operating, to'ifhei pessonal
dfegit^tidPthe agents upon the spot„asjwell> tfe-to the^dis-
advantageof their employèrkat hoiaer TfebsefafetStmight
perhaps/pj^added to thensolid arguments ior, prolonging
thëiehàrtei: to, thoCompaity ,;which'were,siibmitied by-tlie
Chairinan of the Court of Directors,already meritioiiedî-in
thebeginning of thisfwork, to the Minister mnderwhose
particular; control' the- British interests in Asia had'ptby-
pered for Several years. Thequestionrwhetherfhe charter