Lion'met a b r ig ,w h ich on examination, proved tcr;be the
very vessel to which belonged the five men whom the
Embassy Ipd found1, and left, in the volcanic island o f
Amsterdam, fe e preceding monfe of February. .' A s Sir
Erasmus had heard:, from Canton,; ofnthe' wan between
Great B r it^ v an d France, he seized the brigs as a lawful
prize, .she belonging to, and having been fitted out from,
the Isle o f France'. Thus, the return o f the brig M the
islandj of Amsterdam, for Period and' ;his companions,
with the - cargo of skins they were collecting I for her
therej was frustrated at once. And i f even those pbor
people should be enabled to getfaway from: that desbs
late and confined spot, it ;must be owing to some COTtufc
nate accident o f a vessel casually touching at>it,;;and dial
posed to. take them from thence bn,
Before the damages which the Lion had lately suffered
were repaired, Sir Erasmus Gower received the Embas*
sadors dispatches; and in consequence o f them, instead
o f combating again with fthe monsobn^he steeredifor the
Bocca Tigris. !■:
Captain Mackintosh also arrived at Canton sooner than
he expected. He had found the mandarines aiidj,people
©f Chmsan perfectly w e ll disposed to comply w i f e the
Emperor’s orders,-fin respect to the privileges' toiibe
granted to the captain and his officers, in. the pun-
chase of a cargo there; and tea and silk were much
cheaper than elsewhere; but the Ghu-san traders were
| &ot preparcdpfonso extensive a 'ébncerri», aS^aekrgo o f Passage of
^go'od^fitted donthe^Eurbpean ffitavkbt, to fill a ship o f the
sizeufithe Hindostanv full twelvèfeundred fc«$is; rie*&for '
the pbrch^eiofittfe EuropCai#|b%ds- on boafSïfïer,
Calculated'for aalarge;r>.cit'y.A' Tbfey woulfefeÈneforb ex*--
pefct speaLeofor. «uost. of' the articles they ddffifld furaafe <
for. fee Hind®stan^and:whM- had-nonteien prWrdéd
b y ker,;éommander. .He foönd-it^èxpëdientv.«therefore’,
tp; .proceed-to Canton, ,wH%rb wtólt©*>eaajpy,o fonthe
present yoyag&,afee-sa-me privitëgëk and 'exemptions,' és
at.'Ghu-san. He „feftnthatf -pfeeCSfevkh regrfftj ■ in w k f f e
the inhabitants- partook ;^as hi!s ^effi-cerstand scr few feM
bteen ^yery-earèfol;inithei^eöbd'^fet -tewat:ds*feerCbiheSs'e;-*
and "afrgeiiprkl' satisfaqtiom was- fëlt óriiboth- sides?---Thé
Hindostan had,; ta sw e ll aklthe; Lion^feofadvahtag^of a
favourable (monsoon. in jJroeehding toHjmnfcb'ia,*;? but?th|;.
straits ofe-Formosa-iare generally* So’ tempestuous,'-that
Captain Mackintosh searifclyviemembeieducr-ïhave. seph
severer Wbsfei© than hétmfet in this short-passagis thfough
those straits,jto fee river b'fiCantohps*
The Chart-; Not 1.0-,, in fee folio volume; o f fe e journey
frpip Ifan-choo-rfoQ to Canton, wasroanefiatiy'^dnstm'etdd
b y Mr. Barrow-.. It.Completesbwkh
delineation o f the wholh refute through the interior o f thè
empgrp, w ife a,variety®fi^terestingirfeifiar-ks made'evfêry
day upon the s p o t a n d cbnveys a faithful picture o f the
surface, culture# and temjJerature»©f the ediintry. ’