Macao. ttfriesh% likewise! an- advanta^te^tKfe.^kce'V^tho some
ofn-fo-iVabitarifes' rco,nsid^f’ it a® mbre than • c^nfer-
balaftY&flb-yIthe* large jkropoftion '§f; the profits Sfjits
tradiby ehgrbssed" bybhose p e r s o n s h ic fe 3 tile Portia-
might -dtk^^i^'lemjoy- The?y,.ar#too proud and
ind^ieht^pfd5 • dtfedeHdE to - the lower .©geu^Tatittas of husband
men, or aAifiee?sf.;fl There i§* 'not, perhaps, 'th rough-
©.lit theirJiifrifor^ ‘a1 single labourer, or artist, or shop-
k'eejierpwhtPls a Portligueze,’‘Either b y birth, or descent:
The whSl^ population amotmts to aboOt tWelvC-- thousand
,^'considerably above half1of which arS Chinese.
The brc^desfc' part of this -little peninsula to tfife'north’--
ward.of the town, is ‘Cultivate’entirely by the^latfeFi
The whole, is rifearly flat; and its soil is -ofi'SOlight ah<f
sandy texture: but by the skill ancf industry b i fts •cultivators,
its produeedn most kinds offulinairy vegetables,1
Eurdpbah Wnd Asiatic, is sufficient for the consumption
pf thg;|p fl# ^ n li Ail the arts requisite for the comforts
and convchienp dfflifef%#fe exercised by Chinfeie thlrp;
Thb-market ^supplied with grain land meat, from the
GhirifSfe part of the islands and sometimes from the mam
land." The Portuguese aife above pursuing any other
industry than that of commerce and navigation. Beside
the military governor, the public administration
is composed of tlihbishop; fhfc judge', -and
aTdw* hither prineipal' inhabitants. To minister to1 the
devotion of little more than four thousand of Portugueze'daity;
ther e>a»re<t-KiattafU churches^ bmchapefsiahd Macao,
above fifty ecclesiksttos1 /; fee s id e i f i r ep®h|<and?Can Italian ~
clergyman, both iofkfehemTgkryiworthrand .piety, ,whd
aim superiors, oifjhand -a ge&fsoipr,* seyeraL o f ■ the.* m isSipira,
ries ijin Eastern. Asiatic There! a-reL,s©pposedjAtd'Cb5e 'one
hundred Christian^ •missionaries m the kingdoms of Tun-
quin and Goch in-tChina», .apy tmfegubJ.t wo> Hundred.; thpu:-
sand. professing: Ch ris fcian-ifcy. Now 'Safedvet’ 0Jj|:
hunduedi and six^ytholsand’- Christian«;.' ari's-calculated
to be Spread oyenaHith^KGhinpsefempiiie-Jjyhere pnests
are/watshed.withtstrietriess, and: are ^xpbsbdqocasionaHy
tft'pfersydutions. The missionarresftevery! wjver^i^ej^ept
atsPekin,-• leadLailaborious,’ indigfent,. prec-aripjiB', and^^s
tq&this worjd,}.. h-npelWs' Li fat? Their pittad.c'eidrom-EuW
EQjjeiji'S -truly! trifling; and ;this pitta®C^thse^ dittiidtei&e^
qaaentlywitH their flofckj more m i s exab ley so me tim e s Y t h a ri
themselves:. The« chiefetinmforts of the formerparerdd^
I'tMg.dvfrbm 3ficoiri>serpusn.ess cof the-personal 1 attachment
and v.ei^ration of jbhgse d&jfipies' towards'them«! Some
of -the, .missionaries may indeed, beside^, ,'prefer:. thisln-
d^pfindenb mode .of file; such3a«Ji-ttqSjfto. the cloisters, ttc
whidjtheyihadi^gpnTormerlyconfined ;>but&iA general* - S
theirT conduct impMeshsentiments land miximsirarely; td
be foundiand scarcely suspected I to: exist,1 bydtljeir mWIre
worldly, psartipn- ofiniankind. B
At Macao there?is a large proportion- of military offh ip
cers to command about>three hundredprivates, composed j£