'■médirai opinions m d i:pl^^éS^Létiér^pnepaééd'èÿÆmbaéé'0lorr
addressed to OelaoS&w translated and copied—why,not delivered
WEegaiè—tm m î offbis degradation—still -However employed-
bow letter forwarded to dlcki‘.—All' busihess'Suspended’du ring Vde-
bratiim'Jf "Empetor’-s" birthday—ceremonies and ^oàlehtn music Jn
praise cf'bis Imperial Majesty—bimsetfmat visible during ’th’eiswhole
day.—Embàs sudors visit, to great Lama ' temple—accompanied by
S u n ^ Z bm—desmpmn é f ^ ^ h ^ e rm e d by. Emperor, aimwnst
MpeHéè^aâe&untedfor—bis enthusiasm accompanied by great talents
ï > ^ § e dm tiM i% am h is vottrt, folitwal^-number ffifoops, f f mandarines,
assembled on the OCéâsion.qf hïs^dmhieimry—éark%y(f‘enben-
taiüménts èxbMted before the Emperor, and'Ms -mtde'mutüers—
Fireworks in 'the day time-^figured ballets—dancing-MumMing—
pantomime in ibêfadies theatre,—Ladite lemvealtedr^-mrious Jo-see
an Englishman—indulged in the .'instance an yaabbr—
EmperOrs observation.to ■EmbasSadW^on^(â'chs^^£/ffàUiâ-' --dsdstmg.iat
public spectacles—his-afrangement irifjublic affairs,Jisto.-r^jempbymmt
of 'his leisure—character ffbiswfiHftgo-^aêe^iDepartunevf Tartar
prêtées from Zbe-hol—theiP^Smidïtibn^^Süpp o seM** dbsceni^f^Emperor
from Ekngis-Kban—i(mg&vij^dtf-Gbm-lAmg^-exten1mfj$ks
dominions—considered as a Taed^^^dripbM^^.&hma^^tarded
chiefly by Tartars—why preferedSe^^veidJo them—dntipWhybétwe'éh
them ahdOEidèse:^tiH(Miiddyài^fffd^àv^iment of'Tartar dyrtasty
JiM^êbsytrid system of Emperor's government—intention éptfesigning
the throne, to a successor inclined to^éShtirltiéJtbe same'$ystem.-*-His
male descendants.—Festival '’concluded -at ■ Zhe-bolr—Emperor prepares
to return tfWo,JGhiWa^f&beprecededby Embassàdèr^Famur-
able answer to the letter from the Colao to a former 'm^sagei—Latitude
c f Zbe-hol.-— List -of plant's growing between itakd Pekin.
■ C h a p t e r i v .
iDepanture <fnom> •Zke-Mdi-rrrDfference of treatment to different
Embassadors, ah the.Chineses courts^- British Embassador allowed to
tr:aoebo?m!Md..adbottedjyeQmtiem.7^^0rtietilar,road reserved fo e the
Emperor a> common •r.mdfor.all other travellers.—Embassy arrives
at *Moa-pefkp&^Eresbrms£ancei .of jealousy, c f Chinese in regard to
formgners.'^Cmitrivance to divert travellers from pursuing objects c f
dmi9^^^— Llelma^i^'0Mn0 e f %:<0 ^ '. pwsm.bei'altait)e^M expire
within the. precincts t f any of the Impenidkpdkccm^iMedical treatment
c f an European-^MyxUkChmesf-pByM.gian.-rArvitah.of Embassy
at Pekm. ^ Secluded life of those left by the Embassador .id his
hotel, durmgiihis - absence in TarMiyfk^W^sSxust of Chinese t f all
Europeans.— €kcupations\ab Pekin, and- Tuen*mm-yuen of the English
lift behind during bis Exs^lleaepys ^.absence .at Zbe-hal.— Soap
manufactured fo r the use Koffyltha Embassy.urr-Linm liljley. used. by.
the Chinese. —.Incident whmk,gqweijffonce.,-**Hantiuts paid to .the
Embassador on Ms'mtUrmME^kkA^&mi. time for anEtnhassy to
remain-in Ghim-.-r-Embassador s .speedydeparlure expected^- adjusts
merit *f preser^ifreviOusJoirthat. event.'s^ Ingenuity sof Chinese work-
men. —'Considerations in favour of the remote antiquity o f arts in China.
—peculiarity inform of utensilsffcy,,sfiveral.trades, in China—instanced,
in artdiljr=hellow<Cr^plane —^Pn)bdb,e^M>s,ueditin the^yejined^arts—
gmflowfferrirvifyg — mt s, pnhtiig'^-.n§^^pv^able
typ^-Jet^.— Pi ki rail'd zeide\-f-Cfyni'eim »V durp^0 jjbel§sbu,tpri-.
vate-< pldtW^c^akiS^^e sfMkl-L-Bhposit-hw\<ffi Chinese towards1-a
cbangeysf'^g&vermh'ihih^in. different glasses— why.— Its security