thePei-ho, which, majr als© havé partlyrbéen,composed óf
the Pei-ho.— mU(j | 5l|óèteilfr0m-the !fwh»lïB€d.'!.lAt^pfesent the bank's"
ofitheTiver are; hightbitbamthei adj acfeht 'pltóasr- Those
p lainP êtÉ n d% '^ ar^ as thee.y<ëèould reach | and the
windings of the Tiverrthfanghxtheinj-madeï^hêtoaf^ óf
thewiWè|$ \ sailing om itr, >appesaE:fchroughqUtdèe -country;
j § if, moving ■nvferrfHe fleldsiim ev e f^ dim.etiohv'v5while
the water dayrpoonèéaied’.
. Thdfitelds exhibited a high state ó f cukivat3ott,rfed Werê
generally covered withf he è'akm w^Mm@fital-les,tè5Wthe
vegetables* producing-; esculent %«ain
Barbadoes millet, Ihgrows tö ten or twel^fe^bM^ïjasnd
the lowest calculation of ji(^irisiieasllwès’an hundredfold;
In the villa^&nóar the rivÖ^OT^'ïfe%fi:i 's i i d i ^ i : ^ i
B.éy? the houses hadïke :appbaifwfcq bfifei#g‘®$ïilt è>Êrhóflf
like those described near thé möutlijof fhe:i Pekhenjy b u^
©it ^tdöléii inspection; ,th^iv%Ils -vfSe^föund tfw 'i te é è
. of bricks ill-burnt,.‘nr'baked in fh©i|.lfn;. whido.'
wards, *as well a&ffcfee tiled; roofs, wefenffasJ^redr^óvér
With,a muddy'Cólourjdd;substance,-:un;mfxe'(d),with MMb
Ther.eiis, indeed,',no lime, unlfess from-sca shelkpito be
had for s- very- considerable, distanceoffom the;rixfer,.* or
'stone of any kind. A pebble i s b # è , a , r a r i |p ^
. Near some of ;the towns and villages; Wer<fpyramids
about fifteen feet high, but of different dimensions as to
length and thickness. They consisted of bags of salt
heaped together in ' that form, as peat is preserved in
some ,part&ipf Europe.- ,Tfi^se|h^g$ Yrere* covered merely Passage up
with comfeon matting; whi chwas , however, ..found -----
snffi oitfnt the, dissolution^ gt£ , their contents
by trains»;; Tjaes, showers ^w^fejl foil* in this part of
feti;^t^fflila.feByAwer& ipdcedislight, and- seidoihihappened,
The h^dsjhbve^hlfe^idEd not appea-f scorched in the
month of Augnsfc Ee^iclouda^iSl^Bing.; The»
^ g^t^isljpfeheal'. felj&iin the , 'shadq^ach i®q®rf, are marked
upon the > tw.Q: s]|cef4 % sand' l Q-,< e,ontainirjg'?«the
routes th$pug|h *Chin&f. No: indication ;o£ a-hdampoat-!
mosphe^^jf^ii'Siote^flVigd bmy dn the{,evenings,■»ta dew
was» percfeptfelfesynpon t^mgptpindl^PPJ?®achihgsrtQ, „the
* i„As soon * asnoaig became ®n; ithebbanks. were f illu-
njin’attd* with varie^tedidf|hts|.i$fi:Qm\'lantern» iwhose
transparent v |i^ e t^ c |;o;made'io'fediffei^ini,-coloured' palter,
som0 „ W h i t 4 f e W i t h . blue,), apd’ others red;
The different numbep^pf lankesps;ihoisted;on the masts’
heads: ofetl%j^arid'Us4 Messef s, i n 4|kermiverasisdeTndted ;the
ranks o f x h e , „ - p | | . t h e y hpldal l , M^iqb j >|ogether
with the hght^tfcqmithe, cabin sa oflffe^jiin ks, reflecting
from -the^gatep-, prodnpeava moving -and party-coloured -
illumahatibn^ a, sp^&fejs ,of, magnifies,ne‘e: much affected
by. .the Gfiineseiir Tj|ie|jipghf, ;wa£■. nearly as noisy;; as
the'-toi. wlair.h.-..contributed motr-a little, the shrill
sounds; > emitted*- ,frpp®4 tjfeyfeoyk struck upon every occasion
plkfORvey^ng signals.^ The threateniui: hum;