Taspgeof arose, which settledin a few days in a mod^rat^* breeze
Lkm&Hin- » ' ....................... *s> 4 BjguNHi 1
dostan from from the same quarter; and the new Monsoon was then
considered as established for the seaSoWi
Sir Erasmus’ G'dwer wa s 1 dtffi-ous of then punning
the route ■‘^fropfe^ed by**the Embassador at Tieh-sihg;
but he ! wal obliged, in the first plate,1 to proceed 'for
' the river o f *GahtOrF, as Ms 'btffl* 'alfeady Mentioned;
Litde,' hOwdvferj Suspecting the chaug^fi<afdhmstahe®i
wh ich rendered necessary a correspondent-cKShj^in
his'destination, he was’ determined dhireturn ;as quidk-
l y as possible to’^the norfh-ea^ A l l 1pdsfSible? honours
were paid to him on his departure fromfChii-san, inMonl-
sequence o f the good order he hacf preserved arhohg %is
people/ T h e Lidh *saiIed‘ tHroupi^the'JGhu^san islahdrs
and the straits o f Formosa, with safety and -expedition ;
and anchored un the twenty-third o f October heaMShe
Ladrone islattdsr In that o f Samdtek^gdod^ater -‘Was
found in sufficient plenty for the ship’s iiSe. In the
summit o f thaCisland is a huge heap o f grarii^reteBs';
from whence there is an extensive prospeit o f all the
passages leading through the Ladrones. T h e Chinese
pilots look out from thence for vessels coming from sea
towards their ports. The latitud^of the island'is twenty-
two degrees nine minutes north. T h e lOtigithdej-by^a.
mean o f nine sights o f the sun’s distance from the moon-,
is one hundred and twelve degrees forty-one minutes east
iof Greenwich.
From this place‘Sir Erasmus'sent to the Commissioners . 7 _ A' “ ' . . m ^ LPioans.&sa gHeidnatElanton,
g || whom' he was supplied, in a very few days, dps^nfrom
with the medicines^and.othft articles hq wanted»^;and .....
l\e bent-f after w*tr|3$., immediately,,/ hi.Sjpourre;back thro
the straitsjfOfTqrmQsa; li,ut nqwstlie noreb-eaitMonsopjSf
whichvrasdiMtspftmost force, b lew dhepdy.-against him.
Gn thefourthp£Mpv®mber,‘tlfemet a vlqlent*gale of yirind,
not far from Redra BrancaMThpJWbjffiei;.' cqptinued*,, im-
deed, bqi-sfeBous^tfie, ^vhple time tlj-e^ship was ojut, with
anir.regjulaE5short‘seasi^hiqh, gqfcmp, injaimpmept. T h e
sailsj .werev,constantly spjittipg), anfew.ej'e/jta ql^/withiont
difficulty supplied. T h e LionIcontiniied us several
d aysyyiork Mg ,o|£ thq'ChMa shore withoufgtunmg a;rrule.:
She 'then, stood«as^r; for ,Formqsa;;,tebeie there . w,a,s .Jess
c parent .against . and ^he,.made.'some progress; -but
the turbulence qfi the |ve^her^as,s|^hivthat she sprung
both^qp-jaa^sts, andwas obliged ^ rg lp rn t|o the Ladrones,.
in order to-j^ejn some ^degijee, of, ffieltqr^iqjo‘vthe. purpose
off being refitted;, and Gap^ffi^d^ene^ffig hcrvqffqrt.S ,to.
gpt forward. .Several pirptisal, vessek, filled with Chid '
nesfe} «were«* havering jn^, this neighbourhood,«/and ,had
very lately taken several ChinesqJjipks, apd\ plundered
the adjacent islands. The practice o f those pi^atesfis to
make slaves,,o£nsu$l| able bodied men ^ as .they take prisoners
» Jo put the,>resf to,death,-and,to sink tfiefiunks,
and burn the , houses, taking?, @ufr. whatevfer ;they
deem valuahlotfraOn theitwefity-firsf o f , November, the