todsHeiaid down in regard' to England: Suekjhadlbeen the
inaéQürate ƒ «partial, andsdhbiousnaoecoints, which' the rrif-
sni$ersfQf China had hitherto&raqeisred^ftthdSlEeah^itatesof
thé> several powers-of Europe, thats the differentklbgre'es
of backwardniessyon the p a rto f th em îfiù à ^ « ^ # d f fii
complying with iany claim €éi^(%itééosapéKpÉty : at
Pekin, might serve these, ini fact, asr aesôrt' oEséafe ‘foi;
judging o f their-rekitivëirtspcàrtæHoe^dSuGh,
handy is / in thede times, the^extension] ofiiths ' obbamef c^
of Europe, and thfercfiteqaieney of.wits h bommunicatferf^?
over the,rest ;of
the most distant countries, byiarrepresèhéà&.Vfe*ftOm',¥ttÿ
ofîits courts, that ijs d n s ig h if i c a h tp o f f ^W ^ ^ ^ ^ p h w ^
the/othërsc Nor- can à with ipropriety beisupp'®Se,d'/ that
ihélsubstantial welfifee<df sd nation,f is!nn(Mfcwted- w#ffi
the character. and. rank it maintains a b î T O d if i ¥ # p t
otherwise * thére wa's reason to apprèhendtjthlfittiié .ëfeM
position of the minfstefs o f the.<Chiài^4Silî®pif#,îfa^ that
moment, wbuld prevent the immedSatëretùrn df■'fav&htsl
J@r any saorifigrrof - dignity. “Beside.the ipr-ejudfcës^hM2
bibdd against the English, from th eir fimtmp|»e#ati®f^Wi
the Ghinësè coast, and fortified b y subsequedtmisMpFë-
sentatmnsÿMl *W:hl®lb?it was tfiéljobjifetl fof ja ridlpllsi$ti§
establishment from the British xoùrt I gradually ? to1 Ido
aw;ay, a new and unfavourable impression waS'ïüadéy as
already. raentioned j u p o n the occasion o f the T h ib e t w a r.
A n d , notwithstanding ’ the hospitality with which the
b^® ^p ’notheYp&r(r dfi almost dSMcy< Tartar! ehi&M|^np©rr
bj§p tiMefeimistlrustee-fek&dfesign sffasfif! thsylvfeife meant
*@i.pfbS-tfeip ih.'the |®nd',teso>ii(le' s-ha|e YWath^iJae- -.Tartars
tki^tsefe'’^ - o f thhdominatdohwchieifeChikia*. The new
Ei on oh ■'jw.iia'ff ipk^KFij^vh c^c’n^ioiHv.detestc’dijand} di ead'ed
than. dnji@hinia ^by ■> tha^ihemlb^E^|f #-the>ytgpagejh'ipent]
c omi n g - , S s ^ t He Embassy;* •hom^Abe^westj'^gSifa
eiieunrstance which disdruykiu'd Lbam^fom'plu' enhi-^gh-
mentp©f>anyccQmmu©ic^lii03T.'i wi thitlaat^iaaH&igi of thp
Iffobby sanddhe <ne%hbourhoad|;©fih!ianee. hadr# tendbney
’tehigiirefEpglajtd^at a.distance;from it.
-. Hadhhone -of •. these* adygnbitiousYandia^yef'sd diroam-
st-abpes| which 'houldmot,b’®f0rcsccAo4pf©^'ent^4^tikM
%^aamiiam'ca’tiori between the eourtstof London and'Pekin,
l#e!r«e nothexpeGtedvto beKsudden.»(Nothingeeoufd .really
bfileffe'dtuahbht -.a change, in. fayputv.of the&Emglishs, in
the minds ofithe Ghinesd government,1^anftofith^t portion
of the public, whdsesopinions- insensibly infl-Uienee
their+superiorki ^'Such an bpefation5 must indeed.. befgiiS-
duals*; and- yet material to h e accomplishcd^both for the
interest of the British territories in Himjdstan, and bfthe
British, if not of the whcdkEhropean,, trade* with* China.
The Embassador was-not discourage-^ msdta the ultimate
resultsr; by any inauspkiohs appearance' at the outset,