seldom used in medifcioe. The gsfat&t. part p£$^&land«
however| '.was under „eajjtqn, of .which the^ppd^; were
now opening, , and" yeady^ltoj bejgathgfedi ,>Thd
YdWerffids 3ben^b©Wsï flowing, t@; the southward, in a<ouf.?
^t«ai».nf«ap-wands of two miles an hour. ; '.Several branches
wen t off from tfcd main tpunk; of the eahaU soatfJvhigJ^jg
well as. on/the distant lakes, several barges«
sailing. «0
During the next stage, the canal; was conducted?agai4
thro4ow;g-roundsymbjèct4o inundation^withilakes^a^'
r»ktstssRs in te rv e n in g , A few small andim§ap built vil-
lagespsome willow taqes and rice grounds toadeypTbA
view; but soon afterwards, a continued chain óf towns and
handsome villages, an immense number of yi^selsinfvlaU
kinds, an d ’a móst thronged pópulatlqn^sffilBdrt^ii^ êlfe
approach of the Yellow r i v ^ |n to ,v lh ic h $ |^ |p ^ B ^ li
with a gentle current to the southward. Several ^ jth e
largest barges were waiting in this neighbourhood tiil|h f
ensuing season, to convey.the ImperiabigYejJn^tPsthe
capital. Others preferred also waiting at- the;sam#*plaèf
as a kind of central point, with whiélkeYêty part n ffh ë
empire-had a regular communication,;being-;eónfedVftntly
bést adapted for the exchange of commodities..
On thé -second óf Novemberf,v th^ayashW^-aiTived
at that* part of the canal where it forms a junction
with the Yellow river, so called/ from the yellow mud
suspendëd in it in suchnqip^niities, as to fender its more
like d ihated'■-earth fchao’wMefS ¥'pbnlithfe'neatest yoast; journey«
^Srwd]hli®dteld'!^as‘*d^fil^l>']^^s*iMlsid,e',4,i:Sirasvei,y ■fexfen'- foo.
sike and'pdpulous to,wn#*l^h'St'eAal here- is’about three
qnSifters bfl a< mild in width'land 'forms .amexdillebThar-
ro;®iiis-rcdhal isohbtji'hojSdhdeediidiaiayj in China, a pri-
vatedqoridem,; carried on idt thdfefx^em^dahdlJffor the
|8®dfitft*? indjvidualsT^b'Ab' isgTanddfla;#^regufe6ie>m and
imaii'edibsiefcinspeqtianirof thengoveYAmgr®#, whoSejjioticy
it ismo maintain jKHveaSY'.efateEAU'iMaM'ondbetwlE^n'itfie
severahpairfs« ®f the* empife'#Ms tomdrngrfiot promote the
bommercewaiid ag#icMtupe/.jof > thevVeauntry^ m p § |
leasin g the*'revenues'©fitheistate andthe» domfofts o f the
people. 1 •
MThedariiazing«? velobityiwith i whirchf^hd'^eMbw river
runs |afethe; place f.where; t'heify&GK'ts'i andnbaighstof the
EmbaJsty^feefe -to'iGrqss it,1 rendered1, ufccmdingto the
notion s-of the ChineseAcrews^ti^aeHftcfe lufeebssarynto
the'Spirit of the river, in order to ensure '^ ’s-a-fdl^sage
over it. For .this purpose, fl|e*ma?ter,r surrounded by the
eremrc of the yacht, assembleddupon,'the‘forecastle,'and
h o l d i n g , a victim, in his hah'd/aw0Gk,4<*Mhng off his
heaid’, which committing to^hetstrehm, he consecrated the
vessel with the blood spouting from the bodyflfeyrsprink-
ling'dt upon the deek,dhe! masts, the' anchor, and the .
d oors<‘ of the apartmtents | ■. andstuck upon them a- few- of
the feathers of the bird. Several boWfeofmeat wfere then