b y the union of the rivers*and which is almost covered
with vessels of different..sizes; Many i,of them,
never cross the shallow bar. at the month of thfe,^e|diQr;
but|aielpmployedt in: the internal trade^earried,on by the
means of canals as well as great rivers through©« tnlhe
empire. g|
Of the rivers uniting at Tien-sing, one, on; which the
Embassy was to proceed, bore the same hame;of Pei-hoj
that was continued to bothiwhen jaiped^ TheLyothef
was called Tun-leang-ko, or grain-bearing »river,: from; fee
quantities of wheatconveyed upon it dr om. the proyinoe
of Shen-see, and sent up by.the Pei-ho to the neighbourhood
of Pekin. Even at this.early. stage of the; present travellers’
route through China; they found,that. thmCkipese
names of whatever had hitherto occurred ,to .them.' in ytb$
country,, were not mere arbitrary unmeaning sounds^ or
names derived from a foreign origin* hut had a,sighiffcation
in the language whicfoserved*t©.explain th,e.nature
orquifrties of w h at was so expressed: a circumstance'
which leads to a presumption, that this country had, from
the remotest periods, been possessed always;by the* same
race, retaining through tdioj»;
without any material admixture, with the f»eople or. the
language of other regions.
Across the rivers, where united at Tien-sing, was a
bridge; of boats for the convenience of the people, but
which occasionally separated to-let vessels pass between
ih®m. A d ^ ^ t- l l^ ,quayd-t weftfesomé'temples,earid-other PassieuP
h a n d q e | | j b u t restpojpsafetedj'chi'efly of shops 1
foi ï t ta-J^qjKK^jod s-and}ija,lsa:,waEeh.o u s e s$ tbg ©th er with
yaards and t\ipag^'nèsj,T^J^maritimet stokes! -,v The private
hoidst e®t edi little, more thans-dead walk in .front, the
.themilffonh; infeefriom^PisW. The
‘s-po^ra^%sT^e^e^Aisjgfelty Snithe’strpefsy and upon thévesf-
'sdf%hteral lysdovjering^ ife^iwateln opposite thefcity/ fffeW
females; were' mixqdWidn feKoyèi&pêetdters. The crowd's,
hbwey ®®-h»W@itóHidinleB sêd ■ feo t> ónJjyrjfroih ufepffeigheist
sgjbundito fee ws&fëristólgW; dÜt bnmd^dswerrëta^kally
standing in order> Jay;alpMOaofopejp!§iSffi|b
«the sp p p t'a b te o f tli^ v f e s ^ f e tw f l^ h , poaaf^ljyed .tjfapjs.fr!■
-As tbèseoéfoialcL not* ,b.ei 5img©mmoded jbyjthe* crowd;-’ n'o-
tskMibiki bv dé%®rstaiblesSf'i&tgdfeirbdïf wife '‘fee
mo-ve the .«^^l^^^è^S]^pilfi§|^a.rdó'u r f © f c u -
«^«ityyüêhe people 'i?hem^teêaè^aesorwf d*^§is!©at5 dejPee o f
.'•|li®ctnUy*an^r^dè-»tyi.in,Eh>liirHemea:nóju^ >JNbt the least
dispute.seemed tot'ifcaketpfe^Q^EnomgThem; and, %o.m’'a <
'Setóse '.ofA^èualVa’GebnHdodata'©!!!, s u b n ^ a S jf c h e tM m m a n
i^phija.Csd, who ksuaHyih^i#s,(ftfew h:at:sAJke0%Om;I(.h'eiri,
wfhilèsjthfetpxbeéssibiatof feeTmbasssyc^aSip&ssingy-lést
thdybsftouèd"' ©b^tbMtï the sbdWws ïof. tb ©-3 p Irrsfo re s^ïfeè bi hd
ingssum he! gradT^aiurseAri'-eydrysidelfro'msthe waiter to
the-furth^st extremity o#th^êity|®ndWed’;tl^®yhdfra3öe
gré|#amphithë'd®^: Itr wakditerally lined with heads,