Notices of
StV Helena.
à'TësMelïce'in it pleasant as well âshealthÿ.1 The coun-
tfy.'is so fertile, and the climdte dôtogenial to- the human
feelings,$thfat perhaps it would be'difficult to find
out a spot where persons; not having acquired a relish
for the enjoyments of the world, or already advanced
in ’life,' and'surfeited with uhem, could have a better
chance of protracting their days in ease, health, and
The hills oh each side this happy valley, like those
which present themselvesHo the sea, are extremely steep ;
and require several alternate traverses to render the ascent
along them practicable: From the heights the view downwards
to the sea is indeed tremendous. If is related upon
the spot that art unfortunate mariner, willing,in thegaiety
of his humour, to throw from thence a pebble on the
deck of his ship, lying at anchor at a distance in tbeïoad,
he lauhch'ed it from the overhanging precipice with such
unrestrained exertion, that his own body obeyed the impulse,
and 'he flew headlong into the wide gulfobélbw.
A man on board: the Lion, while at anchor in twenty
fathoms or one hundred and twenty feet water, made at
this time some bold but successful experiments. This
man, who was a native of the Sandwich Islands, plunged
frequently from the gunwale o f'the vëssèl into the sea, to-
eâéeh dollars thrown irito it for'fhat purpose ft he caught
them before they reached the bottom ; as from their two
opposite flat surfaces they descended in so vibratory a
directions', that he* had an opppHunityqEoyertakingthem:.
he would also bring up twoidpl'la^s at onqe,i,©5ne .thrown =
towards the head, and another towards t-heastern ofi the
ship. His>,activity jwas indiqdaspprising in instance
where he had»QeqagiQnjJo, shew i t , h e sw,ould suf£-
fejr,jtwa,Europe,ans fcoUhro w-jspearsi. at him^a.^ the^KIfiie -
time, daoth. of.whichi>hQWO,uld dj^gr^withv take
his> hands as It h ey #pprpaeh ed him. This m anyj 0, e$|jp#i'
ftrd'ifia.ry. If a ^ hiis. afeility^was'found in ther-Republi^h
hragwAmebj&when captured h y Sir Erasmus Gqwejr.j jHejr
pasged* apparent, willingi^ession .bpardljdk6 Lion,;.
• v^hejgghe hs^bcm^spiue
months, bu^gqtild-not ufitef ^nej^ordfof French o||
and piobably he was no}> sensible whufoqjp^qi^
hpEadjgr j?ed|jO^thaUh*®}had altered hisallggianc^* He
y^S|| ppeu, countenance, n^q^ui^e^sijl^^atjares,:
aud,ef a go'Ojl-nat:u;red;|dlsposi'tion. Had, the power^-of
hjs mind been exorcised as thdsp p£, his bpdy{^§re^-it
is possible that; the. former might haye^ acquired ag pep
markable a profiqiency^s the. latter diadidj|ie. | Man is
formed,j probably his nature and h% ^ rg ^ ifatip q ?f
toj^pg^ othpr^ngEpahs ^ q ^ lly tiin Rental and pprpprea|o-
facuJLtfeg. , j
On the first of J uly^the, fleet,] sufficiently rej^gs'h|d„t'o
pqnttnue the v;pygge^ fehq the supp3^pS).werej^||9f*F>a^V^
dearer,,:on Recount of ;the late^dEAngh^ ,saij^ed^frqrp ,Stg§;
Helena. The. conyoyiw^s^strengthqnej^ by, the
hprpê: -