“ or halls o f d^^ship, shirked opposite to 'each- other ;
“ between them was a spacious area; and before each*
“ was a portico supported b y ’ wooden columns, paint-
“ ed red, and-varnishedx The diameters of those &&'-
“ lumns were small in proportion to their length.' They
“ tapered slightly from the base to the capital, which
“ was little ornamented, except with gilding. The base
‘^rested simply, like the ancient Doric, upon the floor.
“ The halls of worship were of the whole height of the
“ fabric, without any concealment of the beams or^afl
“ tcrs of the roof. They contained Mv’eral. statues of
“ male and female deifies, some caryed in wood, and
“ painted with a'Variety of colours, mostly,of modern:
“ and indifferent workmanship; others were of porCc^
“ lain.”
The numerous train of the Embassador took up most
parts of the temple that were allotted for dwellih^pIabOSV
and one priest only remained in it, to watch over the lamps
of the shrine, and to receive his Excellency’s commands,
while the rest retired to a monastery in the neighbourhood
; but attended in the halls of worship at stated hours.
The apartments they had quitted were desirable in that
warm season, on account of their coolness. At one end
of each room was a platform of boards, raised upwards
of a foot above the floor, such as are sometimes seen in
military guard-rooms in Europe. A thick woollen cloth,
not woven, but worked into a firm substance, like felt for
hate'l wa^^re'adrtfptM-^fote pl’atfoYnij afrfl? with 'thë Mdi-
tferft (^a^cU^shiüÉ^ê'^Éïe^Mfw^hoiy^éf^fh'ë'fbëold'ii^ffiÈÉi"
wh i chMhb s' êftffrut: nd $ ffsfeddly
oehi-l^feTOës^öf sbWCT^M^Si-fta', at léaffthteVom*
m o f people; cbUtMle%dwêa-r%t'JM'^lï^fed&risfdfe‘fSblê part
of thdld^ess
-W^h^cparatC^’apa/fiÉkn^p^beMSgM^fo t'he! strp%5$o¥s’ &f
me^ihonksteiy-^ffiefrè * hb-W “allotted“ to1 thé* j^rm-eipSl pféïp
sÉË^vl^f^the^lMib'a'Sf'y *h In som# öf dhtéfl©fll#êf’>TÓbms' 'the
prfeks had^S^ffèred‘scó^^S^ ^tfd1 60 harbour
thrb^he'glectd ‘ThöVè’m'oièom^ih'S'ê'cffs ^efé^knowh'
#n ly b y 'EèsêfiptidnJ tW some^dhtlemen' o#tHfe®m‘bassy,
wh^hadinötcvisitddÉ the/söilthcm’ ^afts'' óf Eui©^^, ' Th’é
sight'pft such, f®r the firstdiffie;- in theinbedcMii|bèrsj
and'* üpiDiPÖepr ''■fclóthë^^'êffëd^'É ^ëgf^m'f-^ horför
thfë^mhïds; 'and it*seëméd’^to1 thêfaro^biPu^sufficieht'dlP
jfofidn * tó-lfe^ebunitry’/^Kaft ff1 prod'ucted^ïKose animalsl
But the apprehension' !wasi^fea*tef than thé dhhgëri
h'èWeVérï okpable*öf mischief, they ate found to commit
SS|f where tfeoyrripst abound, b ü ï^ ’éry^Mo'm^vahdYib l$èi
cidént,! •Mp’pèned from - them' i’n; - the' fprlSënP? ih ’stan*é’ei
The' h’éaf of thife*^gather, whiCH was favourable’ tb their
existence, was, indeed,|fblt as no triflingdnG0nv;ënfêhcê.
The lhermomfeteK-of Fahrenheit rosé,- in the i#hadè\ to
ëdghty-tëix degreë^ip its' V io len c eh o wë¥ê:Hwds avoided
in the open courts with in ^he prëcihctjpbf the-femple,
by canvas' sheet^spread'hbri-z'è'ritally' between the ridgés