journey to unlimited power may be i considered'^ the natural*'con*-
ss==ss= sequenceboL it: Some: f justification' 'of this préferéfitë
may from5 the consideration ,T£haf he
whd is most liable to frauds, ought th b a f e -the'*m©§t ef7
fectual means bfcgætardiiFgt against, and punishing; tife
commissionlof them..’:'
Disputes aim)hgsfaind i viduafetóteetning propertydo
not fill up a -large spaced in the transaction1 o f ‘ÖhiuBfe
àfîaiEsr T h e an x ie ty o f doing^sticè-Éâs ndh4eddmfihi|
country to theHnultiplicationJ*lP^forms, and ofqbie&dihgs
in their courts. Years'We not spentin thh dëhMdtÖ'©F4a
smtpplàing’ the suspension of >vh'ichti^^^atfentih'^'caii
be paidl to “other ohjegik. However1 ihends,-1 the i nèÉnd
Soon loses sight o f thé èveht ; and passes 'tö;oth"e&iëff®fts
and considerations:^ Brbperty, beside, whether realtor
personal, is tenures tothsitnpfe tosodeâ^iôfà'ùiufch
difference of opinion as to the righttodtJ" Tberëarè' do
entails nor,settlements. The littleGbmmercd-theymaarfti-
tain with foreigners, and the uniformity^ ofdtheif Sown
prmciple$y;Customs, anddhpinions j but abo\m*ralbkS|
union which exists in familiesj among, whom'dlse^viltiBi
the exclusive-rights: of individuals' occasion the griifosi
feuds ; and the so rtoL community?; in which madst< ;of
them continue in China, cut off the- principabfoüfeësfof
dissension. The halls of audience-are;- in fact, moire e n gaged
in solicitations than in contests. Men of talents
and learning dare: employed sometimes to support the
raitshof. yh;ers. young, ignorant, riar inMpabfe; jourae^t°
h ii^ ^T fijjas|,in©i^aT|i.eTilar bji^^r oLinen .who SJA^Jsijst in ----
a fftimpfe^ia ^ ldtem^rsIranAtfatetromies::»>or..■ who |jm v e at
d i-g ^ ifs like,, fe^^^|;rper d,Tib.e qf the.yj,udgei,
^ts^eiiii^^boyed^jp b&>vseoured.fl^.appointing^nQilnxs^m'|to
th afruffifn; in the? o f - w h i c h l h e , j y h ; but
4%a^b,e: m a y :p© y ^ n ^ stbe' on,e.'pJ|j%%paf"
S&jOWyh| 1 i ahl e; iteaab eA'sjgmMedtb wftfee/wei gh ti qf, pre ^ pta.
SuchvQfejrings^aBse^umi^^ijlaLfr om Eju| ipfp^^ltpr a ,.supe-
as. i nemos^oijntjyeSjlMdTg?Ea s^b. T h e ^ te ip jn d «by ,b°th
.contending paj$d£|J|i and:iff4e^e^isL,|:|iesedw.ere equally
-riphfiand eqpM'||g liberal, possible.A^tjj^tiee'mig^yt
betkilh fairly' pronounced between* tjfomVJin, likd^anper
as ifcds' in the&BritisH. aourterqf law, {pqtwi£ h§ t a n d i n g the
.^%gulaa^^. arising forth©1 judg^^rom the,, p^@^ed|ii0^s
-on both sidesl^T.hip&rea.t expehsiver^sibaf, iJLaxyi^gjaits
mrghfc.ekren then, indeed1,tc^^^J03^^ipi&s.trumept |$J|fip-
^|ession>in thejbandsfaofifcsfu who)\has^afnth^^^ time
.Wealthy and unjust; but,- yrhattsis.■,worse, tHeJ.^h^^^ -
,fete.s,| ^osipriesentsv are*not precjsslyyas^Rt^ineJi;
eveiifoxpeefod'1: tha tith^s^ofe^mgs.’shoiaM, beraophrtipjr-
gd'to th.&j'op.u.Lnceiof the donpr¥.. Ififs uph .dqp?kiq^sjyy^e
a p«des.^rylreqaiisifoqfof ©Hps^Jas so|a|^|: (^ ^ .e j^ y ^ ^ e s
certaitalyiqonsidefvthenaj,'wi^idfit,havingsapy infiue^pe
upon,.the decisidnMf^hd)baas;ei th^grfato^^aj^ou'nt &r
pected from the rich migpat operate? as a {©heck, upon any