Dqrartnte of See® a cloud moving in the ^ky sanPft'lbpb' apival i®
* £ £ £& China? nor was there a MHp4 m m y s#te
■ ' ' them awLths hm&M, WtfU th e fourth 4&
pasture from Tim-sing, when spine high blue mountain8
were seen risingjfro® tfce northwest.-, >1Tbey indicated
tfee approach to Peking bcy®®d Yddch >tbgy .WeftS
ated. Two day* afterwards, oS^lhef- sixtpeaib pf A®-
gast, the yachts came to#neh©r whhin of
that ffreatyapital, and witbia h$lf£ the ?city -pf
Tong-choo-foo, beyond which tb« Pehlip w.46 #0 long#!
-navigable .mile» fpr hoafe btandThfe
ydling by waterfor sometime. The
sing in Ttipgkshop-foo is ^h^nt ninety .mile^j^p
The former companions .pf
ed in the Lio® and Hi®.dosta®s did not i^dg p ^ in n b In
the gulf of Pe^ehse-lee. While they were at
they ascesrtamed the fpllowh^g pni®^-
Latitude of the anchorage - - :'. -3 $? $ 1T north,
Longkode by time-keeper - l l 7s£0 '3^ t.
Longitude by the mean of seveial bb^t;;
servataons of »the sun and moon*
o n th e 29 th of Ju ly - - J18 -7 e^Sf.
Longitude by observations of the same
cmth eMth M - - \ \ < l .east.
Mean of observations of both days 1 * 8 ’
Variation of the compass, by amplitude,
on the 27 th of Ju ly .1 go west.
And on the 28th t t - i!^ o ,„ west.
Latitude of the sandy islands in the.
in gulf, named by the old pilot, Sha?
H Iporpoo^t-im rlJ- sim^gpM^^ 1 north,
jif^ongitude o f the same b y time-kpfper 118 -f'Q east.
Latitude of the mouth of the Peisdio,
a o r white river f u ** sorbs Sbd t) north.
The rise and fall of ihe.tides at the; anchorage,’ were
about eight ornine fegteTbeyeyaedandflowed;hregpla*>
ly, and from every point of the compass -;<i*ut the strength
of the hood tide was from the Ison thfeahV and o f thg ebb
from the n^thrfwesi. lOn,-the.sixth of Aug«a$i (being the
flaysof new moon) the flood: tide made at ninei hours forr
ty minutes in the mornings it ®ose ten feet, and was
high wafer at ©neS’dnck.;; -and remained wkbilbt turning
'fill four ih the aftgmoo®. The wind5 was khfea east,
and nasderatei There was no peri^ptihlte difference in
the observation of the (tide on- fehe foUowing day . These
circumstances were aecurately noticed upon the suggestion
of a ifcajeigp astronomer o f eminence;, whov wished
those facts to ;be ascertained, as hecessary towards .the oosar
pletion of a theory ©fthetfdes in-whigh he was engaged.
On the eighth of August the ships set sail, -wed on the
twelfth passed .through the strait« h f Mi-a-tao. They
were accompanied through the gulf by a vast number of
junks o f different ?siae4 (.some with • four) .stout masts tapering
regularly io th$j bead, and nohjbsof them sup-
Departure of squadron
from the gulf.