Tong-cHob- however, -life* Empeiör *öf CMn!f alw&ys^cèifte# forward'*
heördfers the gr&n'fr iëS’ to ’bè opened ; heTëmit^fheHaxéS ■
^ ffio sê affords !S§-
sis¥antlrtasëhabl'e them~tó^tfieve' " their affairs he. ap-
peafshohis subjects, • as standing almost in tbe^laC#5^
p rè v id ^ è ll in théir fav o u r he is» ^tehfëefly-'¥wa!#B^
how much a!Wtróifgef^h ain he th’üs maintains' his also-'
lütë'döminiërï; than thWdrèadöfp^
fó'rdi' He haè ÉÉYrri hïmsielf so jealdits of retaining the
his siftSJfe£&,'lfhaè
h é n b t 'ó n ly r e n t e d , b u t 'w a s #ófffeiidëHi1,a tlr th*êvVfpYöpö'SaI
(Mfce 'fhadelto him, by sbmë,Jè8fi^MêfaMfeMife'itelfaïifsp‘tb
cSntfibute towards' the?°relierP- efva sufferïn'g ’ province-
Hè' Accepted, at the saffie time,1 the; donation ó f; afericb
widow of Tieü-Sing, towards thèekpéöCèyiöf the T h ibet
War. But indepëtidêötty hftfitfy general eVilpAÜbch
every wisef>goYernment is attentive to remedy >or allef
viate, accidental causes óf distress, or individual; failtffés
o f the means tö pröënre subsistence; at‘a l
timés, in most other countries, to the affecting spectacle
of human beings dependent for thëir existencë^|oni the
precarious aid of these whom they may chance ;io meet,
but who have the power of withholding it.
The Embassador had given gratuities, occasionally/&
the people of the ^aclits, and ethers employed about the
Enibassyf but such gratuities were never asked, and
wefë unknown to the mandarines. As these had al-
, ready tinsdsfeedippon chafc^istig^to-the Emperorsoaccbunt xong-choo-
fsoine small1 a»i©lesf purchased; by them1 for one or. trwotgem- ■ ~
tlemem. of > thei Emba-ssyh^ p a r ty *©£ th(e§lat;tefej'Wdnt' them-
sekvesrtovbul^a fewifrriff epin thbadjoming» cit^y fo$ which
£xcursionheside;iith&ki'ehfi!6)%iby wasia.dufKcipnb^ifi^feMje’.
■So-moidj^nhffteandaiEiiaes-’tQbla the trouhle.offaGfcoihpan.yK
andpwiling toidpbhelhohburs^ofrth'e'plfeicell 'HeScopdticfcT
'ephthem thrtra la^ ^ s^b u rb , which dentotbdfithe modem
ine#asli.©f|T©njg^i.f^|fQ®li,' since the*^setianrpffthetj^alls
wKich;idncQm'pJass £ feMiideiginal buildings^iiThe. ,wa£lls
$briok, fsiabstahtjaMy bjaito^andfsihi^hieEi than..die
h©dfefestekey.i<ihicfese, whUch''mostl!W®Fej)laf w6od. The
<cdt^fowalls .arehwashedby, the!rivqry@nYhn'q sidehvuwkde'-
fendedoby pa broad Wet. ditch-; onj tbiMoihers. There
werbnoigtfesmpon tshgaampants, but arl^Swivelkiwteiie
fdaGfsh '.uprigh t "*eap {.tife^gafe©^ The?<|oneipah Streets
were straight, (paveddwithnbroad fla^^fenfes, 5and hatha
ralsedofootf-path on eachfside..- A n , awnihg asrossJ*be
iSteets- shadedibhem froim the.searbhinigikekt'iof.the , shuts
raysf Many; h©>Wpvebf otf tlt>eiflbbuii;hgfp€®pldwlre naked
from the4\Maistjdp;wrds fl Several extpn4iYejbuildiia^dfea
tallied grain of. different kinds,'©|j^hifeh,.-,ifc?wasisaMva
provjisiomfdnspver'al yearstds khwaysi keptoin. stofeyfhE
thecopsumptioh o.fjthe Capital. !M8s&©fehh>hotises'had
shopsi©riworkiir@-lr®Qms ifofEknt. . And ah industry was
displayed, such as" the- neighbbarhpp'A of Pekin waS.