lingam of the H1b4©»s, or heathen gad of gardens. I é
wa§, however, only a simple short column supported
upon the back of a rudely sculptured animal of thé lizard
kind, as. appears by the preceding engraving, and the
column was ip all likelihood, meant merely to bear a
monumental inscription in Chinese id®yastirs, which
filled *&ne face of it almost entirely, If, from ^the loose
expressions familiarly introduced by some of the most
elegant writers in antiquity, and from the indecent images
discovered among ancient buildings, as for example,
at Pompefa*. as well as from some remains of obscene
worship, in an obscure part _of the same country, and
the shameless practice of some distant savage fcribes*1ff
be inferred that decency is not a strong, innate, and necessary
sentiment of nature,«,’ it must be acknowledged,
that it is at least a happy artifice of society, not ladled
precluding vice, but covering its exterior turpitude, and
adding refinement and delicacy to natural enjoyments.
And in this species of factitious virtue, Chinese
have precedèd, as well as surpassed, most other nations.
On the arrival of the Embassy at Tong-chooToo, H
was cheerfully received at the temple which had been,
for a few days, its former residence ; and was prepared
a second time for its accommodation. The principal
mandarines waited upon the Embassador from Tong-
choo-foo, which was illuminated in the evening with
lights in decorated lanterns. Troops were already drawn
•©Üpbëfom tempJg,>in y^rip^unjfprms, some pfthem
faij^ifuL in d ^ d an d pietu^eAqU^but apparently;, atilpast,
toore^suitgh4e ^^#he<ste^Aha-ni.a fiç battle^. Quilffd
peJficoatPîPud ■jiaehet-S'.« W^hvdi.ick sojps
hpie-'u. and ;effeimnar
_<l^,tgee^.Ug4p 1 buf:
mansion was isv%©i|eu|ly;^||pâjipnd|r^thè|ïlôyp
powerful; piteteotjon»of - fheIM^rk-shin^mtignaisdlan spirit
iff dip p l a c e , . p a i n ^ f c k u p o n tjlei;pßt|j,
wäs; s.uppo'sg.di effectually t|iei»Ofipp^he
^sjphrifijc^' evil frpta jt>-: D-rawfing^p/jith£
’same! kindijar#, indfi^d®fjpith. ^similar in^entjon,
çjh tligtautettajäd'iuiimr^oor^,oj|m^|S^pf th^ptiya.te<dgfpllr
y jr ^ n f ,<i|te.j0hiraps^jj The,common people ;
^Kjp numerOjUS? ills} to>wb lefe'3l'éyi^eJ f^bk^ye^dlsppped
to^ ^kdiôr saf&guaÈdjSiOiiu’fè fS y .side. I Th S-hpiég
onpfjpppusiofiScredulily|',rtî^5readyâtp4,^ ç ^ ft® iy ppp§rr
•paitural : assistanceL'pffered :to them b y ^ n 4W ‘:,
^against the violence r^fpoWerfe^,the{galax^tijSföf pâturé^,
^(hep, own ,has nothing^exçlusi yte i*n ft, ; and,they..would
baye embraced ■ Christian i(i|f in i./gfèater^ numbers,, if» jt
■ÆQuld have been associated withiothpr tenets l The Jpj
{Spits)Sgv|t®ûwere desirous; of p e t mit tidg> wit
.monies, performed by the .Chfhésè in tfee, halfs»nfetheir
ancestors,,;would, haVebëen] much* more! sheeessfidtifjhan.
■their, oppônents .who, > .condemned thomu IQ: whotn the
prinoipal'Subject oj| reproach from a pâgari of China at
ig-choor Yam
vol. I I .