Joqmey to Pfe-Asaij or whifteherb, w h ich is, o f a iJMicata<tast©#tsemegif
-v-v-^ what ii^emfcling^hat is called «osfeigttuce; and is much
relished> in . Qhina bp! foreigneSs. -a^eWfli as ; natives.
Whole' acres are ^planted .©very where, inthg vifite
nity;of populous, cMgs * and it was sometmms difficult
to pass on a morning: through the crowds..of wheeldaar-
rows and haad-e^psloaded with this plant going iatothe
gates of Pekin and' Han-cheo-foo, Inaecms to thrivo best
in the northern provinces, .whpjedt*i|i'Salted for
consumption., and ip that state k i^ gn -c^ f jieditoit&h
southwardamd>rnebanged for rice..,That grain and that
herb,;together with a relish, pf garlick or -ofi onions, dn
room, of animal food, and. follQwed bya. little, infusion
of .coarse tea, serve often asa; meaffor a -Qh ine so pe as ant
or mechanic. The Chinese husbandman al»»yjj &t»hps
thg, Jieedf ho intend pr SOW i« liquid matinra/ mnfH
they swell, and get njinadpn, bigins % to appear, which
experience, he says, has taught him to have themffeet
ha^e^ijrg the .growth. ^ pl®p& as well a&ofidefend-
ipg themr®g3M4§t 3^i§ j invsjeoti§ h i^ o n ;>ifc;ith® grounds in
which thft^d# swerf-^owPe i JBp’hdps this metbodDbas
preserved the Chines^jturnips fronr the hy, that is often
fetal tQ th^js. growth ©b^whefif-i? To the, roots o£ plants
and iripit 0 0 m, thi, Chinese, farmer applies laftiakte®-
nure likewise, a5, contributing much towards forwarding
their, growth and vigour, The, Roman author,
^seSdy? qpoted i® tMs chapter relates, that '3 similar
•practics/had much,impr,Qved4he, apples ;and rvihes of
v Thpigrekti objectfefkGIhinesr agriculture', the production
of !grain^<is, 'generally. obtainedrwith littlb manure,
and without letting thecfondjlie ;;falslow. It is true, that
there tide /plants, .such /as, -a* speeies^of, th.e epide®Ie^on,
that is4fe pa bfe.of vegetating in ah' alone. Othe-rsv*a]$bulbous
roots/and- suoc-ulent plants,1 whic-hjthiivihfe^st i®
sand, andiaf great vartet^in wateE; but with tftogiaj ejfe-
ieuptioii'S, Virgin osr -vehethbleMferth is.cthe p&op4r>thfedfrf
V&getatioh p’and ^whakevenomaypiie .the^ihee^y^CrShc
agricultural'art, its praetic'di eeiMiniyq:eqmr©<$ !fehu#thi|e
should bejgfivaa to the. soil anckaitexture 3®d',,eg®iSisSen-
®y?^fflmaybe found m0S,fc5Siiitab(k,to^tshetpl an ts in t^ d e d
teller misilfe y!&u«hcaj‘ texture may,; in
taisnediday thehapplication,©£ manures-, hein^g^i6r;add>|p
o.) mixture; ofiian imal ■and/’ vegatable ?.snbista#iG,t§fOth|S:i h^MP
nndeigahe 1 the p u trefactivei fermentation m upihtgfjijp
thus farmed whichH b®sa®tgs; .ari^ other c'hang^ # may
produce), is foundlto givie aj new j edns*ste®ge - tp. thegsoil
b^wBij^ i i j ^ A yiiwjg!» jffl.c@d[tac(^tti®r,e®deri5j^ 'y tn|.Pre friable,
and to give tenacity to light andiWlsdyf^pilsi. 30
-well a-s -?to maintain, in hoth a .proper de^Si^sQ-fitebiip&®r
trde iand; humodatyi h.,
iA miistuden£<eurths,indiie proptfr&jnr has been sometimes
substituted with s^eefein'the\ddfi£mj3^ypf ,ma-
pme . Thus: mad j1.fwhkh is - generally a eppipositioji
Journey to
, ; Canton.