jamreyto ©aars; Some stommetictbe'8ti^am ^withobt losing much
gb00’ grnniid i.I while öfhêrsi'Wert hurried 'by5- If with rapidity
"" tÓJaiiÉÖftsidea^bfedisfaftiote below -the 'apposite poïnt^trid
were, obliged ftt he tracked back with no little human
labour;' to *thb month of-Éiê' .'C&nal for which '^hey ’liad
. steehed. h
I ti The extent bihhé WïMftry Through which the* Ybife w
riverdloWsy ated thè quantit)hbf1 W b fo f t t^ lc h ^ l^ ln -
to thê sea, are little surpassed by any other in thh^elcl
.world. Mr.iha]^W,;whose^bfl1^ a iw well as tfeatwthe
Embassador, has "assisted' this Wörk • march5 oftener than
hè: issqüote^f hasi^tterft|ftëd aïi 'eSööfgftibiï'iolF the -above
two particulars. “ The sources of the-¥éllè'wv!!iiver,” ' he
says, “ mëtiWodakCs,- ’sifbated^mnn^tbftè'móuntain'sof
‘ “ that part o f Tartafy “known foy-' thènatabtof‘Kbkonór.
“ They lie about the thirty-fifth degjgle of north lati-
“ tude, and hitiéteéni:degrét^of''lcmgitude to the West-.
“ ward of Pekin. The river, after meandërittgnhrough
“ this division of Tarfary; first'in'an-eastern direction
* about two hundred and forty miles, then nortfowèèt
“ ' about ©tie: hundred, and again ;jeakerly?tW0-hundred
“ andhfty. miles, a ! number' öf'bizfnèhes' falling into tit
‘ f hi? that bourse ,tétttefsr the1 province oTSbeiWSèè and
“ thence running in a northerly direction'parallel* to the
1 '< great'wallr' which'it crosses' irt thé' thirty-ninth degree
*Vof latitude y it enters info the‘country óf the OrtooTar-
“ tars, which tit divide? from the Mongoo Tartars , and
‘.continuing an -a nosthehlydirectionlM 'th e forty^first jou^io
fidegeagtof latitude, makes a course to the north ward pf foo.
‘.four, hundred.mite?- iiNumberlesi?’ tributarylstheams
‘ from the heights! of Tatiary^andrhnsespf >Sheh^ee,'
“ flow into! it da^m-n),.ost 'points ,:Qf fthecfepropas^v' ;,Gon-
‘ tinning'afterwaidi^st^lylbwbhum^ed' mifos.iitia^in
Mcrosseisithejgii^tfwaih and fcakin^bssoutheyin jcourse
.^for*. about double ..‘dafe last distance,
tcvmhess©f'Shenr?epaRd.Shan®ee,tifeeiltets Holman in the
,‘rparallels ifesptnngb Eromlth eueet after jre^
fo^iviHig^tfte wat,ers;ofa?grea^lakejand^rnnning through .
htifo f northern' part.ofidbe^sap:«'^ that of
‘'Kiarigiman, in a cojte^^ne^Ph&ehundreA^ridiSi.aty ;
‘ miles, ifiKschaig^its immense Walurrie into the sea'»? to
“which dtsgiYesj&naiae. This circuit is .fuUy.eqf <$; J q r
‘damextmfc of
‘ Thedistane&h’om tths*; sgajgfhene fo »erpsse^ihy
‘mah isnotjnocethaft^y^ymiles.'.olts width,
ceedsa mil,ev'Janditsdepthinrthemiddfo.'n£thejtie)nni
notumoreithan n in eb e tenr4e,et(;,uyet, t,ho:the oo.uffitr-y
‘. through whichiit pulses in thiaplace,;ib.e tQ;all.appear-
ance'-a »perfects plain,* the! wMerris/ carried • through it
bwithj a velocity ipfisevehwi&eight jades in icvery hour.
‘ The'swiftness, indefed,^©f^ny.'^treant» doesTpt?de,pend
to n the:descentof;the bonnily through w biehiaf runs»
6 in any»partiQular. part of i t ; but principally pq die. im-
\ petus -it «receives towards its .^.qujce , :and; also from tbe