w p
-ini a .proper {quantity, withoutj any- materialr deficiency
oreej&ecss,. by rmeansof sluices managed« in. it« -.sides, fbR
.fjljfc purpose i ofiinflnx or :discbargey1 as was> tbeyfe&seiifars
ther, to the southward, few flood-gates: wefepneoessary ‘fcs
be constructed; norlwerethere-any where metahovbhalf
a-do^h inia day?, n
a Before the Embassy had gone-far from’ Lim-sin-choo)
an affecting accident happened, -of which ft was« in-
nocently the&eause. Several thousands of people« had
crowded down to the bank of the canal from the diigM?
bouring towns or .villages, .to see the strangeisapalfe^ A
great number of die former had taken-« their stationi'Ofl
some large barges that were drawn up by. the -side oftthd
canal.. The,projecting,stem of d ^ 'd b d i^ e ’beirtgbV«®^.
loaded .by the ..crowd, broke down, w ith tfedwreifck of
which, several individuals unfortunately fell frftlMhe
canal. The struggles and shrieks of those who WerdAin-
able te«swimr. loud jand violent as dhey'were, did not
appears to disturb. therattention. o ffs^ ^w f ■ the ispectatOJ?S
as isafe^efiom the. passing spectacle froir td fialbati^
boats to the assistance of > those who were in dan^efe-df
being drowned. A single boat rowed:towards the wreck
but seemed more eager to pick, up the hat of one’; ob the
ppfotunate wretches, who was thus in peril iofbeeOrtt--
ipg.a {victim to his curiosifyt than to save the persoii- of
him who had worn it. However: binding the'tiesy and
warm the affections between kindredy are in China, sen-
t.im R n llf e i^ p humanity- ^efdnbt%sufli^ient!|||l^fcake | | J | i | | |
in th^BiiSfst'sM&t)\c‘!niulL.itw(]^tli( Ti$a'ssembk d^ to create _ _ ^± _
alarm?,-^.nd «fetefeiitatfenti’on« kn thUddsife of
procuring iflstantaW^iii^aSsistacte^^lfebi^di/stfes^qdl^ or
to detOi?,the{took)ins:ensiM^ifBod)Spfef0m*ng/, ims© criti-
’moment, any paltry'advaa^ageiffEtib^Ippescrvati©^
- In the ' ekmning> of', the >t w e n tydthf h;Qef©bjp|l} the
^yachts’ rimved- a^-tiyb'iky^^r®ongi'wha^|bb^pa‘rt%f
theimnTeioflwbi<ay,isSfeM^toii^eai^4e&ti’o d ’torthfeH¥jd]aow
iiver-{lfeom*whi(ifijt now is distantj/asi’.if^ih^aetyin^^Qifidry
di&theica'hier: rjdfeohi^fiOT'of th afev Wbyiartroh adcidehty
if «had on^eiiipprsetehbd« thaf'iMtyib J
■dNear ifei walfe'$.ere^anged>bout thr.eewhuridreeL soldiers
rnhe^tisual dumber of nienft intended afjfeMr-y *ga$ j
r isoned tdwmttf^s.alh'ft Ihe-passageyofelihe »Embll’s^#h<is
eircul&stan'cefbapperied herelwhenfowas^ already, dark:
EabKIprivatetearried witfa^him altedterndn hfeharfd;
from w h enCe^e Reflection of. tWe;f i'ghts- throngh.the different
coloured muslinss stretched i|Jfhe lanter#r;fr#mes;
produced ^ le a s in g ^ fe c ^ lu p p n !‘.th^lj#'ater.. .yW%emt>|' \
towin'happens toyspread uphm 'both die; ejanab
there* «are sqjWiers rangedron «^acbof its^pppo.fite banks.
In.some instarices whireitfiei Embassa^op|v^|r:e^peeted
to land, the soldiers-Went, afcthe word(o£ico'm’mandv uppif
their knees to receive* him. -Such a’ sighj> fo/at travelled
European,Jseemed'ilikef.that'of pilgrims praying^forifej