was goôdl sejViès<as!an incitement to travel in the,same
path. ' The-descendants from a common stock visit;the
tombsiêfjfhmrvfofefathëts.^*tiîat'Stated times. ifE h i|
joint earçÜand -indeed other occaxionsycollect and unite
the most remote * relations. | T h e y 'canm#iteseosig|feipf
each other!; and sddom become indiffèrent, to; their re-:
spèqfiyeic^hèerns.'.,! T h e child is, boUnd to labour and to
provide for : his parents’ maintenance and f comforts and
the. brother for : the. brother and sister that are imextremd
m n t ; the failure o f which
such jdetestahOnv1 that it is not necessary: to ènforoe M>iy<
pppy?ve law. Even the most distant kinsman, mddifagd
to misery b y accident or ill health, has a claim onbMs
kindred for reliefs Manners, stronger far th^dai®, a id
indeed inclination, prodùced and nurtured by-intercourse
and intimacy, secure assistance for him. These habits
and manners fully explain the fact a lready mentioned,
wh ich Unhappily appears- extraordinary té. Europeans,
that no spectacles o f distress are seen,, to excite the compassion,
and implore the casual charity o f individuals.
It is to*be added, that this circumstance is not-owing,to
the number of institutions of public benevolence.: T h e
wish, indeed, of the Persian monarch is not realized in
China, that none should be in want of the succour
administered in hospitals ; but those establishments
are rendered little' necessary, where the link which
unites all the- branches of a family, brings aid to the
sufferingupart of, it, without delay, and without humiliation.
It seldom; indeed;,happens*tkafcfhe infirmitie&bf men,
Or,|l|el,Wieakness- o f ’children*, renders them utterly ihca-
•pablyoflmakingisome return o f industry«' for: the subsiSt-
enceitheyhseceivse-. In the manufactured carried ort'within
doors,xypryimaterial? assistaheewta^oftedbi Be afforded-^
witb littte?.exe^S©n:!oijsteength.’; I and dbrokdjrth^ soil is
and tillage-ea&yUij'Oxeni are^ddifo®plbughihg fli
this parti o f tChihay, being todcold for -buffafee^,>which
are' preferred where th cd iu b e fe a r ed t; tfetfl^aM-yoked
b y the neck, instead o f beirig so b y the hojdfsy'a® upoh
thedoritiaaent o f Europe.
nj Several of the labouring men, of Tong-choo-foo-Werte
chgagedfloteoojyey ’to Hoong-ya-yu’en^ bloSe t6';the7 Emperor
s autumnal palaceebe^ondS PekinytWpres'ent^Snd
tlxe baggagscof ■ the ’.Embassy t T h ^ y% |g ii’ ° f iallylh'oib
articles had been hitherto of little consideration, as- thUy
had come by sealy or upon a*, river.1 T h e y ^ e r e*;no% to
be earn ed by -animal: oic human: labour. SucJf Of.the
presents, as; were liable to befnjurechby the rough rnoYe-*
ment of carriages without springst,- were tor-be'entrusted
to men onlyW Somes of the* gentlemen belonging to the
Embassy had calculated their baggage -more- for 'a»-sea
voyage, than foifJand carriage-. PreparingJ:fbr a^distant
country, where they had; notlbfierft before, it happeSMi
to thenayto provide * some articies:-which Were to be found
Tong-choo- '(WoÇ^" I