Macao. ofmulattoes and Waoksi X^e gafflEisoat©oiimsied,no doa^t|
aantich gteateh number, to xiian the citadel,
fbfts, and rampartlmoant to guard ihb tQWai and mormt-
ed, sbJbiwith manypfecesiofijhup^^ iron ordnance.
The bishop*,« worthy: hm-bigoted prelate, hasi,{great
sway in itheigovernihient; and; byIhis measures and ex-
ample, eolntobutesjtoogiue k tone^tfdevoiipn apd ^eli-
gians3o b ^ Y ^ e s avaSi the only rnateml occupation, to a
greatimajorkp oijliffi peQpBei There are three monasteries
for men, arid A: convent!dOahoiifforty nunsg Nearly
theBsame nuhaber j0>f female® .of .lome character, a n c o n s
fined; and can betfofeased KM»tybn being married. There
is a. Striking, cpntrast between the busy and unceasing in-
dmftrypf theGhinpevnnd the indolence b£aXo©(,ugueze>,
sauntering about' the jsgnardjdftithe senate house in the
intdryalshetMeenjmatins and vespersi- Nor is irvery tin-
common ifor an Englishman to be accosted b y such .a man
in threadbarefinery,jwith the additionof ahag and sword,;
solfeiting'for charity.
Inithe «senate house, \yhieh is built ®£ granite ;and two
stories high, ^ dreuseveml *€olumnsaof the! same material,
with .Ghinese: characters cut into them, signifying a solemn.
cess ion of i thei place-from the?Emperor o f Ghina.
This-solid monument.ib. however-, an insufficient-guard
against the encroachments. o f ; its Chinese neighbours,
who treatithe Pontuguezeiy^y cavalierly exact'iddties
sometimes in ;the:*port of Macao; punish individuals
within fhgir .walls for crimes committed! against Chinese,
particulgijly murder,; &amd; whatsis pot Jess ofiens'iv^Mte
a Poftugueze, have sometimes mardhed with. idolatrous
prncessipps through tkejfown. Wheneverj N s istante is
attempted against^such proceedings,.the mandarine who
commands in the Iittle^fort within sight? of Macao, stops
immediately the' supply of provisionsdrom. their market,
Until u i e t l m it ^
*uXhe• ChfUeip^poSsess two temples of pfegamworship at
Macao; .ou&.ef them, at the southern feremity of <the
town,vis curiously situated among ai ccSpsed »heap of
hugeiipasjse^ofgrafiaite^TheeartMn which ihosh4mas,ses
appear tp.bavepriginallybedn buried Imvinglbeejn wsash-
ed.'away;' in the lapse of time,-by.^cpefsive. showers
offi violenti rain, th%rocks,amust havp-tbrnbled proriiisi
pjopsly upon each othe^into the situatiomin which they
now appear. The temple consistsrof thfte'e distinct build-
ings,b pne&j above the dthdr, and Accessible o'Myi"hy a
winding flight .pf steps cut out of the solid rock. Those
buildings are,overshadowed hy trees of such thick foliage,
as noMto beivisible a|va distance.
-Of rocks brought together probablyan like manner,-^
ar Cave^a little below thedoftiest eminende' in the town;
and called Gamoens’s Cave-’ from a ;tradition current in
the settlement, that the Portugueze poet of that name,
who had, certainly resided,« considerable time at Macao,1
wrote his celebrated poem pfi the JLusiad in that spot,
: flEBK ■ ■
F If(r III"