upon .platforms'-ofJgi&nite,tand surrounded■ by - a fóö*-
lonnadêl ' T h e ; [columns «were« tof ^a^dviineafl^MMSlf
tfeebin heigh fcr-and as’-many- inches" in diameterrMi*«he
lower endg dsïkèasingtothesuppen'extremity; ab®$e one
sixth.’ Theydvad néithien capital ^noraföelRaccnrd&g#
theistrict mekrtingmf those-terms in thetdrders-qf GreeWf
architecture, nor any divisions of the~%»aee oalldd«! the
entablature-1 being^plain to the Yery-topf which supports
the>corni®e?; andwerewkhontanyswetLat thblowsKendi
werelet intofiollows cutintoVstonesihr feheif
reception, and which formed m circularringjarómiid each;,
somewhat in theTusCan manner. Bet weemtthedgföbnk
fbrkboubone fourthiof thei length of the?;shaft sfrom; the:
cornice downwards, was-carved androfnamreh;tediwoo:(fc
work, which: might hetermed thesentablafcmr.e,: arid was
of a different colour «from the columns, which yfereiuni-
vekM'1-y.red. This ^colonnade! served to support thaè past
of the foof wMehjprojeöteélbeynnd theï^alfo|>Iatë,H%iia
.curve, turning up at the angles;».By means oh&iteh röoféd
be visited undercover. The numbear-of pillars thröughi
out the whole, was not fewer, than- six hundred ft .r
. - Annexed t o the principal apaftmenty no^destme^wfe
the Embassidörv was. an elèvated) building,! diitendedrfbf
the purposes of a private theatre, -ahdn concert rooin ■, with
fetiringc apartments «behind,1 and a gallery for spectators
found it,
oi iSiohmoll the ?huifdin!gshwdre! *afody^bhe story, iexcept Pekin,
f hatowhio^ was>th^dadksifapartrnentsl dnAugAihfe^si? ~
d e f e w a ’s situated in 1th d inmost quadrangle.
Thel^o^eonii-stedldh'ein^ibh^'and lof&y .hall,
withiYaridewsjO'f Gorea.'pfispga^ thro whfchiijsd obJeetkouM
be distinguished on the htherrsid^l On the back of this
kdate^se^rasl*' ^malhkobids^K-gh^d- oi^fifrQjrr^e
half.»! Thjbselinner windows1 wei^ithMlk! gsjqfee^stlMab©4
n n frajinesrofrwood', and(^0»k«ed?wiitlbth« 'h!@edlte. insfldw-
4irSnfijiii.h ~b rrds$l and- fese'©ts| add othWiajpaintedki m-water
is'a;partmenVvVa?ssfittesd»hn^ ]kafce^Xyl@$tJ?fo
upon .«adsmallens'ea'l'e,' than mosbqp%tji|gj ©.ihe^se To this
part ■ of khe;huildin^,\!®^|a^smalL'fea®iteaifl®t 1 ^ ‘tehlc^iesl
th#lwhbie>ealeulated for ^privaCy-Yi's
In -^nemf* theip.uter qnad-ran;glfl&was
in'{thejaajfldsdef‘whichi a|:stoni^r.0^®m^ia&:;huil^eex^i.ebLy in
^h^§h’ftpftiof<oue .o>f the^eovjeredlbar^gstofi the country^ In
others jofi- the; quadpanglesiwere>planted|ti^c^and in the
4g$gests a'hugejheap of rocks’ rudely piled ,• bu tfirmly fixed,
-upon each ;o.thdr; »»an dial- onjb endtWfgs^aqspbte laidjpM fena
garden in> miniature-frifeut- it did nqtoppeafEjfoethaV^beSjli
finished. Thelate;po&sessbEof{thispalace^eotjoyed, it-se^ms,
butdjitt-le, th'e¥ruhrohhlsuhiqs£itijj|st; and 'sYasrat this., take
At ^his place!an opportunity offered,«immediately,'*^
feeing one.of the;Pekin mis sionagiesl^&ifidTifie^dbeiHg