storing suspended animation | and dhuioperatiohs fo rg iv ing
sight to the blind,«fcataracfo b y its tf&rjyc?
tipn grj d ep re s s io nD o c to r Dinwiddle fM¥M i iiiims‘on
elec tric it y , a,^d. Qth er p arts; o f matu&akph ilLosophy, • which
werg. attend,edi by the gentlemen o f the factory}’ apef by
natives who knew-a little English, and w f e
weremuch struck with several !o f the experiments, Jtb@
they d id . n ot alway Sr.'comprehend ithe explanation,, 'or
|^g|i§t^y Understand« thedanguage, o f the lectriyeri-' The
epn$eiou§ne&s o f .superior knowledge and acquirements
i n ;Europeans, necessarily tended to procure for them
the admiration, esteem, arid consequent: good treatment
o f i|m natives. -, Doctor Gillan was of.materiakuse to sei
y^alj^fi ith.%man3afimesfUn presesibingpfor their complaints
and some-persons h igh in offineyeame purposely
to Canton in, order to, copsulf him. ^ i
-The state o f physic is extremely low in C h in a r There
are no public schools or.teachers o f it.*. A young man,
who wishes to become a physician, has no other w a y of
acquiring medical knowledge, than b y engaging him?
selfto; some'practitioner; as an apprentice. He has-thus
the> opportunity o f seeing his master’s, praetitld, oEyisite
in g;his patients; w ith hint»- and o f learning such, parts of
his knowledge and secrets as the other chooses to dOm-
ran.nicate..ltp him. ,,The emoluments of the • profession
seldom exceed the skill o f the practitioner. A s many
copper coin, as; scarcely are equal to six-pence, sterling,
irSrsald''-lhdse I’ and-per'- &mumi
hkp'S iqriadr'uy|^aH|pV|ajti!a,0' ,m)anda'Dip'eS| »tBhte latter of "~
Mgh rarik: IfaVQ physicians in ; tiheardhoAisehol^i who re-f
side cen^talitlyiwith ;them^and'®e£ompariy''A3mrwhen
th^lpFayffe-Tfhe Emperor*’s physfefens fiasswelha s! mosC
of' his dofHegti®tattehdants>jarp 'chibfly^eihnuihspi^MedisS
eifieUis' not ’dividedhn tCKina iritoidistirjetbpanch&i k s
in’ihbst parts. oflEuiEopeoj theasafaeiptrr&>n detslas A y k
si©fafi ,ns3itgeon ft and napqtfeeary-. r. The tsrirgieal’ $parE of
the" profession'is, still imdFerbackw&rd than the other.
Amputation'«; ih ‘ eases^eef-Compourttf fraetureoan’d ganff
gtgriey'is; ultteri-y'mink no wn. Deathois the sjiee-dy ,e<a®<if@?
qiienee <$fcu oh 'aefcid©®^. tDsformed persons, no dbjabh
theft:'atedri China!;’buEfeh^mnshb^iYerylfevv» in^uSM-i
heffrirlliVfebritichretired'; for no' sWebliappetfetM^fall'ih
ctheiffiay ■ ol [felie^Exhhass^,.jhroiJishithe> whoio^f itSfer'olftei
from the northefn to; the soiithermtextoernlty AiMSbnifa.
- k - The' mortality o f the: small-pox, whlnlof theJcofliteeht
kind,'joiriedtOi.thai>bservaition'th’atit attacked,tori€'eo^iy>
rjfehb same person,-’ induced the* Chinese to- expose y®rjahg
persons tri its id fe lh o n ,i wheh~dt happened1 tr ih e miidl
T h e subcess, o f this methody lOd’ »at leffrgJfeb fobmfe pi ate-
tide o f inoculation amongst» fchemio T'hbriannails'of China
first mention i t f a t a^timeffamweritig>toJ‘th'&'feginnMg
of;the'-^theeriinry'dfrthS<|Shrifetia'ri»feral «T li^^h^k 'l
method o f Chinfesedridculation, is the ifollriwirigv^ when
the disease breaks'otif in « ariy)disttic^'the-physieians hf