Pekin., arè, éîueflÿ those’ whicfr>a'fh rtsfïérisive to dece$bfey, and
inflame the imagination of !ycrurig minds. It is not'’
that any are levelled agk'rhst? fhe^ov^riment. Tbehri&nl
darines asserted, however,1 that a rsSbFhad^ftjfffe^Bsfib-
sisted in the country, whose chief principled #e¥#fèun(î-
edupoti an antipathy to monarchy; arid’ w fifoHfibti ris h ed
höffes^olFV at last, subverting it; Their ^m'edfehfs-^were
held in the utmost secrecy, and nomTan' avowed'any
knowledge of them ; but a -sort of inquisition; was sard
to be established' -in order to find them outîMTlfây * who',
were suspeded' of such* sentiment's, -wfere^ut 'off,' of
hunted out of society; somewhat like
accused fornîerly ©f Judaism in 'soïhe Roman'Gath'ólÊG'
The polliUea3| moral;'and historical1 Works* Ofl’tl^GM*'
—n e ^ : contain no abstract ideas of - libeftÿ, -wliMi m%lrt
lead them to the assertion of independence.
said, that in the French zeal for propagating prifMpdel
of democracy, their declaration of the RipÉÉP^F. Man
had been translated into one of the languages fof Indiaf
and distributed there;; I t is not, indeed, likely to cifuse
any fermentation in the tranquil; submissive, arid resigned
minds, with the weak and délicate constitution#, óf the
Hindoos ; but it might be otherwise1 among the Chinese
people, who are more susceptible of such impression^
their disposition being more consonant to enterprize:
They are a more hardy race. Their more northern climafeofefads!’
4so(rei&fei,tffdm abfea siW^fliaS'CesOteie. They rekw,
are mere h^fenndmenifihan manufacturers,‘.and asstStefr;
td& ih a moremridtoint&d spirit. Thb^minds of
manyf^f.tfehem^ &fs'o-, ^aife'-noejalto'gftteeb satisfied' with
thread conditions; iwh ich-lla^id^M p®rpeio^Myi|i4toth*'as
t©> theilffoEtun^# and- their -p e i s o n f the
rfifenrdarine’s.! jSsfipfor-af p^^i^OTent, tewhicKfe^gry man
amotfgs&.fhem ■ik&ubJ&Gtsat the instasnfe
tra$ef.and, sdme$iii|es, eVen'&^gpprEhertsioH! of, it,dseca|-
pable,<;w.Men' kudoe®no&httOrly'jdeb^i the mind, d#4sx-
£i§ihgdmpatien.t and mdeliblotrese-ntmeht. iteifiatfiMesla-
tSpq ? ofi tiM^oceixbe^ will ndt always avail to* support!^n
indiyiduakifClan* app'eal ;ta superior.* power ipThe maxim
ma*i*n-|a'itoiaQ^pii®peE csrrbdtdinationj willtigeif er a 1 ly in-
tefvHnesltq-,jimpecler-redreiss. Enormoifs^Afd multiplied
oppressions, at length producin^tukM'4 in thorefespair
of s offerifrg> jdesforde; indepl5e| attentioh: the'imagiMfate
is t-heniremovedi’and ofteniyety^fevdijply punished.oBut
il|i in committing exfcesses^agstoist thewSvubjdofc, he escapes
mostlynwith impunity, hse§as | fereata^KWith ■ inexorable
rigour on the slightest failure towardsegovernixient. He
lies under the hardship,- afeovtofibe i hgfreq u end y? ie spcto-
sible for events whichrh®;Seldbm mantelntrol?f4’.Uponi
the general principle th a t it jts’ihis^ditby&toiwatch oyer
the m,oraIs of the" people, he is in many pasi’sleonsidered
as a criminal for not preventing mimestwhich he diad
not been, able to prevent. The mandarines are thus