VisifVto | the
founded notice m
aA g r ayhn^ a premature ambition in aijSgung min^iand
of producing1 a jaction in supposition fo thp.j£ignMg.£%
vjmignj an^injitppce of which,-bad happep^djjj1 hi-S own
dynasty^ ki<
On thospresent occasion, hislpiperial Majgg^’i'J^agi resolved.
that the-su^G^sp^to his- crown.i^h ^ u ^ k whifotilg?
held it himsqlf, remain unknown.. But he took tb$t,opportunity)
of announcing „to-,his- suhj^gt^o that, .haying?
already sat; upon the thtpne, about Jaalf.a G^tury,;^^,
s4oulchfetire from the -carps ^of>g@y|p|ment if hgafchpuld
live to complete the sixtieth his^re^g^'y^^ch
«yspuld fiappen in the year 1 7 96, when hq-^ojijhli c&et-
eiselthe high prerogative lie tcnjo.yed of^app^intingith^
fittest person to succeedhim; but_bh^t^f-fiis(derathjs|iguld
take place,before tfiat period, his a p p p in tg ie p t^ l^ ^ f
cesser in writing, would be;|pun;d in a,.flM±iftdariajytfa
mentof the palace. So,v^inrafe, hoyjfeye^ o ^ e times^the
precautions ƒ taken b y , mortals to. regulate
their decease, that a story„is ,privatelybcircpj|t.t^||j^ his
own father, Yong-ching, having mouufod the th ^ o n e ^ y
suddenly entering the palace;in the last momentsjof his
predecessor,:and,|substituting own,najne in a testament
intended for the exaltation of another. :
On the day -pf the Embassadpr’s presentatLgn3 t°,.,,thp
Emperor, most of his family attended. No. jnafke^ preference
was perceptible, or extraordinary respect shewn,
tBca^^^&bfohfe'Mibpwenhfe^sl*!» Oh' that mofhing the
E‘rbbfl^d@r1&M^g®Aeimie<r^0'f the E mfeas sy^wlmtibefore
a ay/1 Igh’t,'; w-alfSrafn oWcedftfelf heftp roper,; tcfeth e garden
ofttSesjclaIkcetto® t In|i|(e ^middlefof, thd'j'ga^dfest
Irafsw ’spbei'oui and? rM^kifieelavfeehhn suppdi$lpli by
"jpided, otrJ paintediia<ndyvarnislfHMpill&s#>. -i T h e i forvas
on *Wh iph] fM w.a5s ; Compose^;; didfIriotsrfdlowi' sthepi ©Mi?
qdityfxt£| th e, cords fkloiigfjrtlfehr “■w'H®iy,fengith toy the
pf^s^wteshediJin theSgroundq/lbut^aboBt> midtw^yt^yts
suffered to haamgiperpendienliliIyvdow*ns -Shiite' t-he^hp-
pefe pdr|ffbf thecanva^ocfeastdtuted^thie;i|ijp@f>;j dMifebin
JMn£bnt|kwfs;, plaQed^a'i'tlftonep^snch.'tas hfsi been, d^-
S'eribdduiinl^lfofmer^aapter,rwi tH'waaalfo w®in tth&j.!$ides>
I®! th®?topre tos^pSBMuuMf ,^@ ^ th a t part
of it. Oppodfe-'to- ifcHefhroneiwa.s^ wide fap^fe^ntgi, from
whemrdV'a' yd'lwwu'Hyfefontr piojoc ted to a^considoi-able
distance. Tlhe furniturd*p£jthe‘tehts^a^elfe^an%iwithout
^lifter lor' afifecf^uembellishfeients.. >iStue¥h]gsmcfilhbwnd
tehtsi were, pitched-sin front,1 anckrdh'Kofran dbfp^tform
ifofoe'diatelY%ehind. Thej felfetr'iwas - mtendedlifofrth’e
Enxp:dfof,> idt]dasev fie Mould i ^lfooslfto ynetiifrdl fipiitlfifom
hi3 thrdiies It)had a*sopha? irfib^#,naMonfe*ex|<r^rdity.
The f emainder was^adorxiedvwith a-'AjaH^y&ibf musquets
‘and; sabres Eurdpeamand AsifStfe,.) OfetbiiS-nra^f tents in
front, ond wis fornthfe -use; fofAbpiEnlibas^’^blleVt ,w-as
in-waiting for the arrival -of the EmperogdilSo'me.pfythe
bthers were destined^ in the sajne>imafih'er,)]for the :ster
Visit to the
Emperor’s rcourk..