haps pf all; andin w h i i h j t h f <i(?rahatants appeared
to aiub notwithstanding!'the ■* embarrassment of
long robes and dum&y boots, at raising his antagonist
in^ljt^. airriahd afterwaixj8 laying hira flat upon the
gïpuöd. This aim ;^S; ^mi^iïaesaoeompHshédithy muscular
efforts, dexterously applied.
Inhabitants of the different disWints of :the
wifle doswaihs appeared in separate groups, and in the
costume óf > their respective ^countries. Whatever Was
particular in their usual exercises ór habdts, Was hére diS-
pikyed. Several of them daktced in a pleasing manner,
and with graceful attitudes. There was/somfe ditgingj
asftd ,a Ya^t vwiety o f musical instruments. The musicians
affected mostly slow and plaintive airs, not unlikfe
those of the Highlanders'of Scotland? which they played
in exact and measured time. To Mr. HM«er,va good
judge o f music, it appeared, that “ their; gamtoftit Wa's
“ such as Europeans wbuld call impéïf^,. ?tteéif keys
‘ ‘ being, inconsistent; that is, wandering from flats to
“ sharps* and inversély; excépt when directed b y a feéll
“ struck to sound the proper notes. Mr. Hüttnêr1 farther
■“ observed, that the Chinese, in playing on instruments,
‘ ‘ discovered no knowledge of semitone's?nor did they
‘^ seem to have any idea of counterpoint, Or parts in
j *• öhjsijGt *There was always onei melody, ’ hö Wé Vér great
“ the number pf performers; jtho, in a few instances,
“ some of rhe instruments played intShe lower octave,
W while th!é» ^Ifefupper;• andttius ap-
^ pTêdch,édito;harmon,y^’’, To theftraüf^cl^s?^shfSeeded
sfëveral' hun in1 an "uil i for ml ófhHVe’-
eélotirèd W lbw ^ ^ S d ^ a t^ e d ifflfaricied#allfÉ^?
representing,' by helpbofHlfp^igl^y^^pajlejjt ian.
ternsirÖf different hüf's^'su'ehs%hTOlii ^ a fa ^ ^m iP eo n b
ve^ed* great piaise'ófhis Imp'ciühl Majem'. In tlichTiglrt^
thiP^MËlts would haV'e japjpiMïÉd^ill(Sè brilliant, from
bfi't^ho“'aöftföeirien'f' ÓÖüM$bl( prè#Sd$ldjftd that
tirffef a# the Emperör, wh'ö%Ö^¥@rhherifïlP#pIfÉf’böfbre
th^s-üri^ td<fhe,,d5spatch 'of the affairs*of 'st'at'e;'-iild:^ ’his
'" Affer'wêhdfcts 1 • f i r ê - ' w ' o r k S ' ^ è f off; ahd'éfpe#
ïn^fifë d ï^ tim e, had a S'ttfkihgièflfe'fKt'*'SèWê^dÖh^^n'È
frivances'Vveré > nêw'tè^the' English spëcta'fofs. ■'1 <Out of 'a
largë’ box,' amóögïother' an'stanéè's; lifted up tbï^co'nsi-
derable height, 'and'thé %ottóimfaHing out üsöif it weft;
b y SccidentptïrSe ‘down a muftftudÖÉOf paper lantern's-,*
folded flat as th ey hssÜfed'?Snm'ïtbé -hox?but irtófcldirigj
themselvek from one another by degrees. As ^ÊeW!ÉÉ^|
tern assume# a reguiarlform, a 1 su'ddelpi^^pfe?^
CeiVed'of a beautifully co loured^nJe,%ö<Sn?ihg brightly
Within i t ;* leaving doubtful,«by What delusion of the
sight1 those' lanterns - 'appWrèd, Or bywhat» property bf
combustible'materials. ïhep>Mc^fne thus li^É id ? without
any commu'riication^fcötn -thèW'utside ^ p ro d u c e thë'
flame within. This devolution and development ‘ were»
Visit to the Emperors