C&rtton pieces of papers which ^efbuTHt,itefore:jlHe''imagfsiof
their idols. -iT he amal’gama; -of' tin! and rqirieksilvser ds
applied, -by iheafitists :ih: Camion; in making"small mir-
rors;:with gjass^blbwn upon? the- spot-frombroken pieces
of that « ia ^ ^ iiiq ^ ^ d cw h 'o le ft©M-r fikropfe .3 T<te gtess
beads and’buttonsioftvariousshapes and colours,*Wpfcn
b y persons ofdank | are Chiefly'made at Venitei,- and?:this
is amorig the remnantsof tHe‘great and almokt1 dyclnsive
trid©* Which fhe Venetians formerly 'eaEfied^® w it fe th t
East.' T h e Chinese make1- great usfe>of spectacles, which
th ey tl© f©and -the head.» T h e y ate formed of crystal,
w h ich . the Canton artists cut intolamina©,- with a k in d o f
steel! faW/Tbiined b y twisting'"tWo1 or more fine/irtfn
wiresitogether, and tying them like a boW^string’to the
extfeSHEltr^s! df a ‘flexibly feaihbpb^-Thfeyiundp ©ni
fend Bf^thls^istrSflg'xin order to pass the wire round 'the
crySfak-whdie it is meartt »to b e f divided, and which!®
thereiplaeed between two1 pivots. I t^ x thw^SwWdvin
the* maflrtor -wMchEtirdpeaiS watGhiftfekeWhWii^ii^tld-
ing small piebes o f metal;*' ■ Below the crystal is a little
trough o f water, into which the siliceous powder :o f th®
crystal' falls ias it is cub-by the revolution o f;,8he wire-
With: this mixture, the-wire and: the gt^dYe it fetfinsili
thee crystal, are ©fteii - 'm o is ten ed .T h e ’pbW'd^r ,lbf ’the
crystal,- likedhab ro f llib dl&mbnd, helpsWCht-afia J>Oll§lt
itself. ThetWorkmetl- did ho(-:sedth to undfei’sfa'fid any
principle pf optics,1 so as to form the eyh-glasses df such
convex!tlesooif reaped viifcie s•,|as-.vtornsupplyjfthe!.1 various canton,
defehtsoofi vision;tbutd-aftf theiiaMstoiriersifeeboosdhwMt
was found- to suibtherml^est-.eThe.fewlhpid'ayie^' whofoUit
diamonds sathGrat«', 'usedrfDnth'it pnnphseadahtanfeine
spar./i whiahftbeingrkiixed' in ; smallproportiorts: with gre^j’
granite,'the mbssjwas-riiriaganfeditbJkbii’tairi nbthirig.eke,i
and-iekeited iafcdrauhtjHvhethei? attpoul debeereal "diamond,,
which purai grahiteyjebuMtaffeCbo The^fiaaitoinO artists
are i nil ouhmoad.yexp® rttti s i mkai i ri g .• iE ur ope ann worjefc
Thieyiimendyaticl .even: make^- 'STOtGh'ei ipaln tin gs?
strangmksivkhficoar,se.:silBostoGhingsfsknk .or^Wedenifat
Giriton ptkoi nouq afkthe ? natives: weaivsubh;; unl£ss;hs>fee
somejyduKgxiGh-it^Seytwho'afe'priYlrfilyffoudi oflfbllow:-;
in tak e fas Kionsiof EuropeapsfiirEhj©tcrysimade!atiGan't0ii§
an&bnowemnife the name »f ba'Mnc^ESiarfdKfeumhlen^'*
are.',;partlyi filled,'^aridvtheir ©qkiiibriuknsmfeadhedfrhyij| ,
qtocbsSvfiri;;3 Thab’diietal * is J.used:so.mctimes in:|hGfi^irie
eoHffpfeihfe? wMrsiifr is iappHedaimiEurap®,! iwHSspetaflqji
but a prejudicedprevafls' akiox/g th e I cOIhrOoriiGhmepe^
|fafoits)3asS is' apt !fondestroyithfep6wefes®f vhreblftXiJjantJ
ta'-occasion {MrVerinekiun the-dtkeiu :Tkb bktVdiue?.p'opti*
lowsnessi of Ith© tomiilsry^ibeehttsfito I prove that such a
medddine is* frequently iddministeared5, SI: thatgfkbse
effects iare<attMbuted.itoikJ'erfbSieouslysi!’'
The' marriagbsin-'Ghina1 are J i n'iactifobsefM&l'to be prtf|
lific, a s# ^ fa s earliy ,t;to whichxmdstjxii®xdodb^c^iSt'rib,utO