Jqumigr to in the.latter cases an abatemepfa^i^ ^ art^or remissipn oP
the whole, is made upon representation. Five per qq&fb
. is said/tqbe the*. Emperor’s proper*jshare;,of ^heia^eiage
crop; but the valuation,' -whichpis -made’entirety at thft
discretion of jthc crown offieeft, is generally fixed so. much |
h^he5.than;the^surrent‘,pri§fh^ prp|||%@£, that the tax
^mfbmeC equals a tenth of the whole.
I The ^yerjisagainst theifpurse of whi<^^h§\yaehMhad;
beeix soJoQg tracked, wasnowigrOwnshallowa^d ceased;
quickly;, to be .navigable. It took i ts, squrce>;between'
rangq$m£ bleak and batmen .mountppi^which’- w*erei^^r
unfreqiuentlyjoovered i%thcwioter mbnths with .snow v
and sOjiufej :|®eis of r land were, .perceived, to^be without
oTidafh sand; for; erumbling^,stbne,:a;!pe^peudieular.f|;esi.j
tipnjpf which ^ise^igec^ltSfYeralfoci^OPtehandcpafall^j
layers or veins of quartz, between beds obiajGgillalceqn^,
eaithjs v.,
A second land journey was now to be undeitahen/in
the same manner as before; and preparations1 being]
quickly, ntadfkjpn the >daT .ofediseiub^hation;, thpitog|i^ilf
foot of mountains that divide the province, of Kiang-see,*
which they were quitting* from the provinofebf Quan-
tung. They form a chain running moady^frosi iSitttrftf
west, ;and are nearly perpendicular to the range already
mentioned, proceeding to it southerly from Han-choo-foo.
Th®|r b a ^ iÿ of gwnit^ibvit'whiph fttëtoâl!pàrsàtis strata.
Thé trdveMersbegfonïMs^lklle timd tokéuêifld ^ h ig h e s t
of those etailioftcospthe ^uMituit ®f which w^e^nfound-
ed withvi'the; eteMi ^feoveqi** : ©ÜÉdS^tls
they appeared1 aMlltstftOibe te some tofqthte Jspetx&tdid?
were w ith o u t motion,ahd kfel
tW^ptüthem ; bùtafi^ÉbeitraWbMeïSb^d ascended k<ldfr|jj
waycüpoma dMuitOtts? ro&'d,| | é^eÉ^ferhhe; »ptàVptfsd @f
bfet#gipfâîîticabl®tfnri5h«Sts®rfifen,-t‘t e ^ :wè#ë^itgrïi#hd-"fi8
find khat ’those steadymlo&ds1 fortoedy jf^É& É É ^ |$É
sum toitthfi'che monmhin R out aloWmb BBwiffi bMdfebur* j$
aiveiyaeOnlsiderabk depth* i-A '©îdgtdc2$Éid'erMfe^^âî!Cefl«
sotttèwhat.lse^istbep. DiffiGhit.as.thisPfpaa^^^ s®ll cb&l
tinu'^s, -iitàsis» mtféh l^ ¥© '’ihani lkfoM>ithB>t^iO& elÉ
mountain;was-.thp»s e û t Éhrdiigà^that tfte?sétoât^Uhl
mandarinesWho hadûtdono, âs~îhoW0urèd Vithe# h ith e ifl
Some* of it h ©iQhmesSe -. temples hereabouts. At tMs.passjs
a military post.
asThe: .mountain is clothédtwith plarifeeiOtis?of ®ig^icSffe
utmost height,<from whence atndst etfteffliivb aSd/fichprO-1
spectiopens atoneeto the |fbïiéle‘and uniform-del
scentofsevetalmiles onievdryside/alnïOSt entirely tjïüth éd
with lively verdure, and Ir&wnedwithstSw&^Villggl^
andfasm - ho u se s, is/ as j tfcwèfssp tot hi e-Mr. Barrow’^expres-
sionjIT'Mdfiat theÆot o f the spectecffif’’ whilst distant
plains of unbounded extent, wiÉhimouHtainsèying^tof
the horizon, terminate tbevie w. Towards thÉUoMiérly
VOL. IX. | p
Journey to