t&Setfr P°?es > and many weredikeWiseS employed' in' tlie- repa-
Frgniier: ration o f theitoa'ds. - Thfes^ wOrOiin some' places- sb*steep
and roUgh, that itw as necessaiyto ihaul the Embassador^
wbeehearriag© eirtpty ^werthem; his ExceMeriey
travelling M the mean tithe in a palankeen. The scenery
hereabouts was. pleasing and romantic; wild goateband
wild horsei^^e^eenscant^eEingtalMipthe hiMs^nd m#»
dscending precipices’ to find out spots fitTondmltiyation.
“ The mountains,’’ as Dr. Gillan remarked, ‘‘islapedh
% inigeneral, backwards, from the sea-towardstiTarta®yi_
11 falling abruptly on the opposite side,, there presentiaaig
‘ f< .often - the naked $djek* and resembling whafe a®e|oalled
“ in Switzerland, les Aiguilles des.Alpesh wThej^jarie^s.
“ strata of the. mountains; appeared in , the ^following
‘‘ order.: first stratum, seen dow dawinrin1 tp^id>eep£j3|
“ parts of the beds o f the river, whereuthe Wi&terfihad
“ left them, was of sand and sandstone ; i seconddabnji©
‘ ‘ the sand and sandstbne waswcearse; grained: lirnestoiie,
“ full of modules, and of a blue colour; third, abnveijthe
“ second stratum lay an irregular and&Ygty ,thick Jayjp
“ of indurated'clay, of a bluish, andvsdmetime$;<|f a
“ brown-red colour, communicated. to\ ..it byi>e.ate^f
“ iron ; in some places this calx was so abundant as. to
“ :give the clay the appearance.of ochre.; and in others,
“ ithelast stratum only could be perceived. In many parts
i ‘ of the neighbourhood of Tartary were. perpendicular
-?•. veins of white spar* and sometimes bltie and white.
It On the top o f the highest Kmountains, on b {, l /i\ ' M . o"'t^hcs ns id" es o< f tiaJo^üuïronrefyih teon
c * .the <road, W£$e ;Iapg.e 'pna^ses of grapte-,-b u t noiae so low
f‘üJoswniass where the .road, was «traced.”
AtéaM-the bottom of .sómb;o*fib:hose‘eminences ran a
liver.stobbe'southward,<®ye<r which abridge ?was thrown
upon' xoaissoons of wattles, .filled..with :&KjJa
bridges ■'hfecfo.mffiaion in .-this part of the country, where
th©y%r©'erected, with. expedition, and..at iktsLe.expense'«* ‘
■and ‘Whdfe Jthe .most .solid fabric might- • »not blongtre-
sistkhfe’ torrid Is* tumbling 'suddenly from .-the- impending
jpW®ipi.O®v ThetcaissoOns are-pf-different .dimension«!
ansondi-ng -to. the * spread of /the flood. Thfey arefoedhby
petpfendiciSlê'pspars, imnumber and^rength proportioned
toitfièsdepêh ê'fithe iriver, andsöhte Mpidity ««£--thel éür-
rift§*fcd3fe^'andmdvigabl&str^|»s thc.ehisk>o.n work
i'sddis-ebntinue'dj in töh eaniddfe ;l4itdnlaajgejflat-fb^tomied
boats-ëre-.substituted. i-Gver the ksÉSoteiiasé laid planks,
buidleshar#gr#PilA >Wibe*i,!thé Emperor is^expeoted,
temporary bridges-: are constructed, l|g^|he othersjshouid
Ml iri d0nse^®önd^|)fittkeienfaaordiBa'ryl6rawd;as.d fejèdvy
loads passing'upon them.on.auch. occasions, i
9 In thehprbgiresSI eftbejourn&y and. approach- towards
Tattary, themumberpf Tartarsinhabitimgithe ,tow»ns and
vilkg«Ss on>the‘ #©ad seemed to^beinearly equal to'tkat crf
thé Gh»ndse,.)and the difference dfetwöenbthê nharacters
and-maranera of thoseibwo,®ations became less striking ■;
ingenerahthe formerOappeared tob|>'feoffa^tde frobust
make , withd ess-expression’imtheiriÉQuntananoe, anddess
vot. n. Z