•Jo limey- to
Gan tori.
as it was cheap in its maiteiials,\ealsy initsiapsralioiipand
effectual to its-ptirpos^aij
Two h ard-wcipd’jpbsts ior iuprightS were firmly fixedt
in themed, of the, river. in a line,,perpendicjydar fto;Sits
bank; These:posts^supported the axis, about ten fee’ts in
length, of a large andicbtrahle wheel;. consisting plhtwo
unequal rims, the diameter of 0i3.e*af whichgjelqsestst&the
bank,heingmbout; fifiioepdinehes shorterthan .fchat%dflthe
oulir rimili but both dipping in the^s|aieain^t%hilb^Q
oppositdaseg.meffl t of the w beek.ris,esaahaye i the dses&attgd?
bank. This double wheel is connected; with theaa-xSsy
and is supported by sixteenor;eighteen<spokes.obliquo!^-
inserted near each extremity of the axis;ijand;*nttoss|ug
each othp? at about t wo - th ir d s o f their length. They
are there strengthened by ^iconcentric;3€Srcfo,H-c|3diiJail5?
ened afterwards to, the rims: the?ispokesunseFted$idii
the interior extremity *ȣ the?raxis^reachiinffaAeiehUiB^
rim, and those proceeding froqi theiexterior gextremity
of the- same Maxis, neaebing the-.inner andas mailer rim.
Between the-riths and-ithe crossings..-oJbAhe spokes;eis
wovanua kind ofclosp basket-work, .serving -iasdadi©*
beards or floats, which; meeting-siineesHvsely the current
of the streamv- obey, its jimpulse-,:, and turn iround /thb
wheel. .To both its rims are attached small'tubes;-Or
spouts, of wobd^ with an inclination of. ahouttweniy^five1
degrees to>the horizon, o rte th e -ax isp f theswheelijThb
tubes are closed a t their, outer extremity, and open at the
öpposiitei^dÄBy bMsfpositeioir,' it$!e stahed"which>h.a^|ien J6uFnfe^';to
in the motion of the’-wheeiltpshk in tk^I^eam with their
mouth’sh^^lopeh ends, upperfao^fcj/filb w ithf^aier.i! As
thäC7s;egment.of!tbe:w?he.ehrtisdSjtthe hfonths blithe tubes
^Jtächediitolit^Mterjtheafl'irektijgediiiije'linatiönf'but ri;oi'#x
iriueh>«as,todet theibconltents flovwouti till sueb^sugment
of - the whell'KhbebjnesbtheiKt>dp;' TheTmouths pfi. .thosb
ttrbÖs.ane therifa?elatively MeJpme&sed',' and-- pour i tjhek water
into/a-' widertfbu.gh/ tpte'ed, on post-SY'fibomf ’.v&hbläfp i;i’t is
edn--\seyedfa>s may*Befw anted famon g .the: sj^Thidfor tyfourth
Plateoof the folio;volume, with references idie’x^
planations unddfneatHj wilTs lipplytandl bender ifeMtl?
gable whatever may be deficierit;orfo%s.cufce in Theatre serf t
description, jj -
, The -only 'materials' employelibn the cohst-riictihniöf
thilfw-ffe^wheel, except the mave or axisvraiad-itshte’. posts
pn'-which ;itirests, iare afforded by 'the. bamboob The
FmiSjthe: spokes, the ladle-boards -or floats,|-amid,th© tubes
or spoutsj andieventhe cords,\are-made: of entire?lengths,-
dr single- joints; or large ipäbces, or thirrlMices,; of the
bambooi1 Neither-nails;-nod ?p,kit, nbr-scre ws,' nor ariy
kind of metal enters into i tsljcon striuctibn^ 1 sThe parts.are
bound together firmly- b yicofdäg.e,'. also o f s|ki bamboo.
Thus at a very trifling expected,' is const me ted'a machine
which, without labour oj aftendanee,twill furnish, from
a considerable depthfsa-.de servoir with a ednstant supply
of water adequate to every agricultural purpose. :