aedictioh. Ih is» exhibited in plate jjg8-of thenfoKorvo?
Han-choo- . .. , *.... f |g in g j
fooi Lomei
' .. Hithiferto-,- smoMhe-Jhnbaaay -J^fSaartsiog, the whale
f$ thkeountry was aplaina^extensive asithe eye could
reach,' interspersed, yithotowns .villages,p ,andi cottage!#
cowed^wifehi* dmltiv#».; v but'MOt cf smglematural%rim
nence' to distinguish any part of it, noKwatotonShf ihe
sihahest size td<h^ -fdund throughout this sod. ofii was a
continuatioh of the low anddeyel cohn tr yefrEeIcheTiee,
^ iu & d ^ n o doubt, by causes of a^imilar nature; -and
fiftming together!) a portion of the .-globe^differing-'in
composition-'and appearance from most other-parts obit..
Now, for the first time^ were perceived rising gro;mndss
ahd a billy country to the eastwards .Soon afterwaad» t^e
tops of blue mountains-were. visible from (the.iSoutfe
west/ ®he iba^rn province^df Shan-tungtvhears’?>the
imme, acmiding to the sigmifieationgof the?characters
which cofflpose)it,:dffEIastern mountamsfindeddh
rabgh-bf granite-hills, situated!>east and west fromirfhh
promontory opposite Corea, -as noticed in a former, chap.^
ter,'and proeeeding through’- the-greatest' length ©fbthg
province towards Be-che-lee, until it - sinks into a) low
arid-level surface-,’ forms the grand and conspicuous feature
of Shan-tung. These solid substances,-at .least, must
have5 eMWedi froA'tlfe' first formatiomof the global; and
if- ever they-%ld|iB had Jcdnstituted . a n island'separated
ohiy-: by narrow chanriel from the. Gontinenfe, that
qtaannlgl must baife/bem, in- fehlap$lh®f;time, filled up
biyA^fgraduaWepIlifcijfl'S^ilth carried- fromrth^lt&ps
a mb s'id'eVs;^ ^ l il®le(ihifI's ated#Sh d{ I mpeiin g
with .simifei^^dep'ds'ifijb^^^lliip^'otliserj^ide, musj h^vM
together iformfed^the indiS’fiti'le'ipkin .'whkh-no^f'
exists sth efctkim
- On- thestfeifienty-fiftfiiJoFjDdtob^r' the-'tyach’^ ^ jiiy e d a f
df^tehfe canal'^bhi;bigWf^%it',t-'^o-rfifl)hs <p£
Ifest-entire length# ' Here#, thel r iv e i bu t-bj, iA 1 a ig e sbb y
which the.<canal inf eed, falls inter it fwitb a rapi#stream
inbaidi nes Which[ is i perpekdicru fob the
banal. .Aishdrigsbrfwirk, o f it©neisilp^rts- the fedpdsith'
s®e®t*emhank ; and-theiwateteof-the Luerifstril^ipgi^ith
^wces%ainsij-it, fparf’foF'rth^irtedifew-’the^fQrfch^rh^and
part theustmtliern;eourseDO$itpl»sabajli,'}!A''oirotimsfctujQe ’
whr<>h not-hcingdgciieialJypGxpiuiiidth or mulo^stpoch
gaive^tKe'lapip.eaTanaerfef wonder toI an. dss;erfeidn, that i f
arbundLe of sticks be thrown i^tp»that^part'^|fee|e.Yeri
th e y . woulcbsoon separate.\and take apposite diregtiess.'
It is, nbbdoubt, from tl^gej^ated surfacethat the
authcMipf this eanabsaw, withvtl^el&pr^hensiyjajfeye of
gehius, :the|pbs'sibilkyfbfforming tfcnis impMgant eom-
munication between the different,parts offthjo^hineSe
empirei by measuririgi from thebsbHhe inidina£ion^©f
the fground to the north and ’south, and uniting the
devious -streams which descended from the heights on
‘«very side, intoiohe great and u&e§dr channel; pjj^enfe