visit to the mortified to learn, that it was from thence they came to
EriiperorV. , '
court.- Unina.
In the course of conversation between Ho-ehoorig-
taung and the Embassador, the former mentioned that
he had received accounts of the arrival at Ghu-san of the'
Lion and Ilindostan. His Excellency took'that oppir-
tunity of requesting, that Captain Maekintoshj4ba#ng
had the happiness o f paying his obeisanc^ to *the Emperor,
might now be allowed to join h*s ship ; but Mo
General, who kept close to the Golao, directly interfered,
exclaiming; »that it was not proper he should be allowed
to traverse the Chinese empire. j The Embassador found
it necessary to wave the subject for ttertpMsent; but
pressed the Colao toalldw him soon-the means of a short
conversation in regard to it. The extreme hurry and
multiplicity of business at this particular: juncture,
might have served Ho-choong-taung as- an &pblogyi :fiif
declining a meeting for the present ; but; he was still5
more effectually prCyeiitfed b y illflesS/- The Ifatigiie of
this Bay’s «XereiSe, brought on him Some compJjdhisT$
which he had long been subject.? He sent; in? .©iiisey
quehte, to the Embassador, a request to send to him his
English physician,' iwhom he wished to consult upon'
his case. Doctor Gillan accompanied the messenger #
the1 Colao’s house, where he found- assembled some of
the principal persons of the faculty then at court, and
whb were attending, with no little anxiety, upon their
.illustrious patient. | He wa* a f ö f a & ” ‘aB Doctor Gitlan
m e n tip n e d ^ ft^ tfc violent] pains, which affected E“ST’S
“ sam^ ^ tW lirg e rv joints of his |ripsJand legs;.J He felt ~~
“ also, excruc^atin^^aip^'a^p'üjth^Q^i|'part o ft hé ab-
“ domen; and f'^ ^ /sW e flm g appeared,beginning^
tïHthej-ring of thfe, e|ferflal bbiicjdef.mus|d|on ,the’ right
“• and extending along,j|hp;descending| chord..',,,He
“ had often suffered under all tBésfailnients,, but seldom
“ M N samè* time‘ The artjoifc*;* arid, |s |tlim b a r and
" dorsal affections, gihërally ’recurrêd in spring; an^hu-
P §W P ! but thè>abdominal pairi-and{feqt™g|®4,been
Mfinorè'freqüent in th e irre # 'rre n e e ,;a n d ^ ^ shorten in
" their duration. The spelling appjptod,and disappeared
( som^dmfes 0h a sudden'.Sbut was p r i e s t yan<i.most
“ painful after making. &n'y particular bxerfion. These'
I circumstances ?thgjt)óitor?»heda'fr& .Me Cpjao *
“ himself; whQ*4iod|ever,Was surprised, at spell; a*num-
“ bër of-questions, w hM th e other physfejjns had not
“ thought itneces^fyto make. Thèy4revt.their4ndiea^
tio n f chiefly from the of the pidseJsiii}tjie knqwv
“ ledge of which th^jf. boasted the highest skill. Ac-
“ cording to them ideas, every paj^ofi’tfie bqdy|S>a^”
“ pulse particular toiitself which indicates whaipart of
“ the ^fstem suffers. Thfcy considered t% pjilse as a
general interpreter df animal lifejowhich pointed,put
every-condition of thevbody; Wd -that? fly, Jts means
■ '* alone, the mature aspwell- as; seat ^ndckl^e of disease,