the birds d f^ sw iftn upon its surfaced of the fish that
J“8 ? ^ ftjiM jp j t e 'op'the1 Othef animais which 'efeepupon
* thebutfom', or by ^Mtizftif^he Mtfebyt'irrigatki’ri from
them ? fleftefey d i e cheap andheasy communication whireh
dieydlfoM b e tw ik iÄ fd i^ ^
thtl? Saving! so Mdfch land, otherwisgirteefessaryfor broaÜd
roads-, fes well as' so much labour to make, andtfcsep them
in Which Is now employed inllgfibuhure'; «and
so much morfe' faWd^Which woüldthavebbeen? imeessiäry
to prb'dtrdifnoürishment'for the cattle,Otherwise iequired
to carry* travel'lefsTftid frurderfe on high roads ^ th atd t
mäy bte' cons!dän®d4t> be a moderateJealGnhriifondtd pfaefg
thafetetiaent upon an equality, in pfoductikb ’fÄ g l ’with
the ^ M parts of the empire,' of the safrte' siipitÖä#
ditöeä^onS'^ i
The morassy country has certainly Most thaappear-
am^W'j>&verty|aild isdhe least entoUrägirlgd^ inhabit
of an^hitherto met'with in the traveler# t‘f e Embassy,
itffi feom such p l Ä aisd inSÜnseqUenisfemf tbeSftoSkof
iheiAabiffitions^ and the produce of theinihdiÄtry^^^
whelmed b y extraordinary inundations, or-hf other unexpected
calamities jthat the natives are induced' sometimes
to colonizh into Tartary, hotwithstanding't|ie^^^^^
neral pre^hdiceYfinbibed aga&st the people of thabcöun*
try. Tho Many of the chief mandarines, and most of the
viceroy's of the provinces are of Tartarian birth -orblood;
and some of them, af'least, men of polished manners
andf^es>fe,e©t^ble"''ch%rlbt^tfth^QhifMe‘s«w®nsider the Tar- journey t<?
r - . , . . . „ . . . |L f i > Haa-ehoo- tats im^§«fMbMpl$eu4ignJ^bpWa^li)ari®Ucsl^' ars art instance foo-
rtf-whiMi? they Yojl'eifttrfii fo'teyJH^pukiv.- i amoia'f'sb t them
fcrdbur %d^^«ies!,s’tte t when /the'' Mor^©f|S,’artars-seized
firsVMpOfiy 'Pekin; hh'^)3,,&^Gte#^eM“s«Cd)l' their>:oWfa ae.-
cOm-modhfion, wh|prthey>put^thein hrtMrtS In the’palaee's
O# tfe $ GlhfnS'sbt'dinp % 3$
In fhe ‘Midsfe^-tllhM|M^g#©^tod|i !the
djWte'yM toWn‘ of the* th ifd?#i»d'e'F?w^f%1U3trtd ,vthedopsvdf
Ms w^Ms’being little i-MSrebhpl^l^M^wfth the?sutfa'cefof
t h f o r m e d art>aqUe'drtfcti raisedfeWent^teeg,
«^il(i^oWh'undfed®feet bndwiddlp’atei&l kaMuti&hetraihjofi
5a*rtn|gMtt/From-* thysbY*ei'neulristancesj<S0Me
judgtnertt maytbe formeddf tfi^strengthiof t-hef embank-
SSteffts* which* 'coritaiiMd^fi^MrtdfThe imm'dasityof laboUi
■subfi^a w-orkretjuired i na
Soon afterwards d ie y&hts-Mrived befdre nthandsome
toWnyof w'hichsUch oftheshbbs^'as fronted* a?tefEafckon
thrtsSfeank's:rtf^thei canal,>&Werev.all t*w$Jfstor iesdhigh, and
neatly/white-washeti. The in habitants3*#irhi|)etfeer- clad,»;
add the’-women fairer andrdfel$er; ffeat-UYed: tha'rSwfcost of
dlc&eYWfio had beeni§^SM*fd dtfe'Mrtf’thw'ard. hT
• Thjgf canal,1 on proceeding g©Mewhat(ferther:icea*sed’ito
ha-ve'tt »current ;aa*nd the aground rising'ta^felsfe4®ndh ward;
it was found neceksateyyin/Order'trtt gain) a*afevelt,Kto > eat
down about twenty feet deep Ifbk a trash <|f seven qr* eight .
miles ; at the end of which -th^lyach’MYeachediat city