Passage up and some mutual civilities having; passed, it was -an-
nounced by; the Legate vto; the* EWbassador, that thoEm-
peror was at his country reMde'rice at Zhe-hol, in Tartary,
his b&thdayfjhein^on the thirteenth of thd^tetH-mcfon;
answering to the seventeenth of September yjaxldsthafche
desired to receive the'Embassy there. Beside Wsbefdis-
posidon of «die -Embassadbr to comply' with "any wishes
of the Emperor}dt was partieularly grateful -«to hkn ,- that
he was to pass into Tartary,^s«on th^ irbntier hbSshcftaM
haveiUatf opportunity of iseeing the-1 greab wall of Ghihaf
of which the celebrated:Doctor Jokiikm, i&theiferithu-
. siasmof curiosity, is
be a subject of seme boast for the'grand son tof him who
saw it. |
The remainder of the Legated 'conversation* as IfeSS
satisfactory. HeiSfid •^at-d^Embal8y^^a^ilS3fe®Slg
Tong=Shoof "by water, within -twelvb mills' &#&Pekin,
should proce^ibys-land directly for ZheMhol^tfogjiStfre*
with all the presents. Many of these-werdM’et likdyhS
suffer by the carriage insuch^ajourMfy; but ffirfiP®» *8®S
viously ii mpossible to bonvey ill ''th^lSblh1-'
tains arid rugged roads of T a rtiiy l^ te id ^ f thit
luaible andicurioue, which consisted • o f * elisate !ma2
chineryr or wtere partly compOsdd3 *of hritiltI
The object of. exhibiting all the presents at oflce before
his Imperial Majeatyriltttuediately%pb^ their arrival at
Zhe-h ohfebhW4ubt, at.ahvrate, be attained, because some Passage up J , . , the Pei-ho,
©£tl$e eomplicafedi1 machines Jaad necfessaril^been taken to —;
piJ&es^ih order to btep-aGBedbJfOieithey were».embarked;
anddfc would fok#some time toJputrthemiagain^ogether.
It was desir&ble', tbtesfdfe; to-fix them at onee in thevEm-
pekbr.’si ekre6p^tc®dfy©udenu^ from i whence^. after*be-»
i-ng&'aaijflistedib'y' the proper a-iviSts/'uhder-the inspection
of»DjO©tonDinsWd^de!and Mm Barrow, tbeyfshp;uld: not
afterwards* betremoved'. S uahemonumen ts b£ European
•ingenuity* and knowiedgsimnerjfied toj fee’^preserved in
theirtpieftfel^StaTe.' But ,thre>' Legate- Was4 averseMo < any
measUrekehdingJtOitfoeieytfdel’afynn th,einei ghhduBMcrod
o f the*’ capital, which; :ite^mifedttteaMve beenrhis unten-
tio*w thathofepersohl belbMrgihgJfcd^jthe 'Emba§s|u should vit
sib 'He bad- ndSUltelflbotlR^hubity&fil forming kriytyist
notionsfWimy a'b^dailt'esbrnatiom of rfehbsn^iianstfu-
mentsofHei'ehce» ; UMd nothilj^but1 the -.flfterposition- of
the ViCerOy'^Ved' tb#m from thet<fetBHe.tionno;whipMhe
determination *0# thedbegctto hacSdevoited^themjWTt wavs
aU 1 ength/dei§rmined^t ha t* thii}fshould bib -lefts atoasipa-
laeeonea'r Pekin, ’ uSuallybestrnedifobth^ feheption of
Inthdboti r Se'® tMs dfsGpSSffon ‘itbiei|fee‘gafie betray ed*a
pe'^femfe tempeh- uHdfejp'ahi exterior' o f. .mnch calmness-.
Hitf irrdgttla^-mi^de^^Med'tineturefd.wdth a? jeajoasy d f
dMdieigkesd\fiand;*a f tfee^sanfe. time, with an litterfeok-
tem p tlfe th ili. But the u$barfify’and ^acfeu^ness ofthe