Parage up' when ce 'th ey .wae'j&rsfc introduced into Ita ly m thedix*
theFei-ho- : teenth century:*'&Minfise^ve laid them, ssucb
aside; as jinfco^^idpntcan'd expensiYesyl
Thelmstem rn«pia^d-by/SQmei<^itrayd^sytfaf>&e ,
Chinese;,applying, sails1 to pafriagpiby lahdi^
sdme;degre^r|'tai|ipd.: Ifwj# probably observedimparts
less;fertile:than the- bjprdqrssof pTAelehhor; jfor,;-Md toil
teentions^rwsl j
« The BMiffopIalffisi i f
“ OTSrfrkfana, ’iyh^re'Ghih^ffs1 d’r ile 0 3
“ With sails and wind their eaWy !^ g g o n !J |gM r '||
Those cany waggons am, small' carib, -©ascdouMerhai^lsyi
pf .bamboo, with one large, wheel betwe&tbthem^Whieh.
there! is no w in d e d favour the0p ^ r e s s ‘ofsmch*3afbir)fr?.
it^ :d raw b b y ^ man, who «► segula^lyo^a¥®e^ed *6>it,
while another - keepSfit-.steady ibe^idfe ass
sisting in forward. T h e sail! when the/wind
is «favourable, saves the labAur of-the former oftheserfewa
i n . It consistsonly of a mat-, fixed-bet^ee^bwo ipdfcs
rising from the opposite sides ohthe^cart. This- simple
contrivance can onlyfb^idfibJtrWh^therS^rif ^intejMed
to run before the w i n d e d ,w a s pmbablyfheiresource
of an individual,'who wished,;to have no cbmpariion
o l his labour and partner o fh is profits, ;cp wftQc^ap*
peried not to meet nileH; Complicated machines:,; susceptible
of b e in g applied to important purposes,nare most
likely - torowe: 1 fh'eifd@rlg:m toiJfcbfaiStties« where the mind Passage «P
is^feWeitiedatof'eXettio'rf,^ahd^Mvenfiori upon the stretch, the^ei.
b f fl^t^'fefepiet' oTl&^e^Aroiuiti’entsi’airising. from diseo-
vMesJl^'im-pro^ihg - the? qiaility^of any article! o f conr
sumpWi'etoj^b^yFop^supplyi^^fe^ln \ ingrerlconsiderable
| | | ^t a dl^e'ap^eS'TS^^tMdi'^ithetmetliods before
i# pra^dbeV-
.o No*‘defieiet?cy 'a p p e n d ' in ’ljltei^nStKWtJ^of the
bridge!!whifch w # e ^observed- albngdtihd'iTeMh'dS^ None;
iid!8fedjOw^fe^efgeifediir; whifch might have-impeded
itsmavigatioriyfopf M^efecWof «hewn1-stone'5 wer-eihrown
q^'ibranfche's that 'into I t ,2 or -canals .that' -wpre dug
from it. The 'remain's1 of a bridge «in one^place indicated
tffeT&r'GbW’&n' iiFtiWdt'tidri violent enough to- early a part
m dtjia ^ y . * ‘Ne^rf«ib-fwasf‘ a^'-eonsidbrabie rphlaee,- sur-
/ohwdedti'fey, : gafdfetf o^ftd- 'pleasure1 grmmcfsf;, ihcjbssld
withirf'a wall, with a [treble §ale towards, the; water
si!d^i- It ‘waflsaid^b belong*-to the E mpeffor ,,.'a®d:td be,
th#Adfca§fonal tesidencC’^of ISomo.part-df^atsTamily.jNo
private 'prbppftj^fsJeiiljed' tb* be adorned for pleasure^
EveiyTafge building; -vfasttsaid« to ,-be destinedvfor some
public rise ;B’b-f for the habitation of rar man in office.
Sugfj if there Were; to’ whom ■ fortunes/h ad rdbyieijifded
from th e ii anbistblis; h u t wWo held no department -under
g3Whmeot^ffli:f& Sertainlynbt ostentatious iihtheir pos-
se^Sx&'ns f in d enjoyed their riches in obscurity..
ThPp irfo n s composing tfre «Embassy: had, scarcely