Afp istfw al seldom under «eighty-faurjS «was now'-bpftes
times down to fifdy. Thetr«’fields’ wfridhbh&d-r tbgftf ee'ti
toostlyn;e©YeTed: with, tho kcowdeang or: dolly stiofn, e*-
hibited now a crap of other-spe'eies of millet. Its shorter
stems interrupted less1.' the/fpraspeeiji whichv' as the /tra-
vell'ers -receded from the- ihills lyingi to the'westward Of
Pekin, was ehiefiy that o f a-Ievel jiand? fertile* cbfliiifyv
full oifcidtUre and;of willies.- ,|>
The Embassy had made very little progress«, wnfo'Vah- *
ta-Zhin came to {inform .thecEmbassddof, thaFthO
Sun-ta-Zhin had juafc received a-letter fromtthe E mp e'rl?,1
of Which he wished; to'commnm^te^to him thwont^fft^.-
His Excellen cjypercdived, at the same tinite,S®n-ta-Z bin's
yacht approaching; vfery fast to. his; T h e . 'Etoba^ifcloSr
determined to spatfe him the trouble of quitting
■vessel, andjvaited uponrhim immediately ^cafid'Sbwfw
by reminding thikhew companion of his travel^fofn&ivi-
lities received from him at Poo-ta-lara-nd-th^Mle^t»f
Zhe-hol; for which his Excellency renteWedrdiis^tP
knowledgments ; and then mentioned the happii-itfegnfe
felt at SunHa-Zhin’s appointment to dohim thevfibfeobr-
of accompanying fiim in the present journey; Th&l^bjlteJ
received the Embassador with every mark bf bfjftsilllik-
tion, and expressed the highestsatisfactioii at hSyihg been*
chosen upon the present occasion. He then read sbmepkrt
of the EmperoEs letter,'4lle:purport o f Which Was, hhat
‘? he - (Sun-ta-Zhin) should take the Embassy -tindfef his
“ particü}lhàt everyrprhpendiitiaactioii should b,e journey to
{ âïshewbiuàntllattëntisfü^^^^'ihe :'Emfeâssafd'ofiand His . fi»*
‘-‘issuite initheMtOntfetd Ghu-s&dy and tdîsee'khera: safeLyi ——
“ embarked fon. JaoardltheïEi-'sffîpS); bM that’if-thofdships
“ shoffld' "be; sailëdofrom tbenhëÿttâ^^ ^ledîàn/£he> s^mfl
‘ ‘ mannetjlJnd. for the likaifpmpàsel/ tu$ Gàiltôm. It was
natufall tot sapp€Ùèe|fthabhe.iwoujïd5iOThè0mtaiurii;caûeVhi-s-
private ûristructionsqddmtained' possibly! initheisg’me/djsr
patch ; lmt -hetiSaid4ehoughta;showsdaa^hhjt|.^e^®>^|:
fetteHto*. S:ir; Erasmus' Gôwîèr’to wait for!thiebEfebsfs^!/ai
Gbn-san; Hadmotibfegn fewapfed tohimV,-
been delivered'Apen-, Written in tfeE n g h sh la ^ u ^ ^V ih f
t’he.'Mini|fee^ T h é datber« c©iîl<h find- no^personiâb Pekin
Efét helongïng't© the; EmbajS-Siy o Vhoiiéo.ulddrdn sfatofit^o'r
him. T h o èvery.edr&hmstàn.Geîîendefed ^tipiolbàble^feli-àt
the contents of that ieiteniw^evsns.hia'|^te|E'm<b;as;sad,©,p
had i^feted^tol him ; pahd^ thabdtdwas difficult»bçdd&yfn,é
Wfi$t 'impfoper tintelligence -èmild atdhàt fastis)dtpddoiE
veyed, - or dangerous -, dhèeribrü ? givenp. 6® vfiif ‘jEfasmuë
Gdiwerl yet;suçh Were .the-, suspiQidpstbfj that Golaq, in
rElabjdns to it, ;t$$àt, hejjaad hitherto tkâpidtjba.ek.-î^Sunr'te
Zhin was*-• however, csoonsdonvifitgl^fithe
p]anation Whi<dà the.Ekrfba^sadof. gayë himdof hpgl'ettec,-
a$d-tell -|a.s>jbf : th e*: qe oessfiy .of -i|stdisp 1&%J .under-»
took ^writes,to hisj Impérial, Maj^ltyl' tpxfiavedt^ forwarded
withoûti ahyrfurther: deteya! Sb®ni?a£terwards
his Excellency tookllbttye sand went back-,to his yw h q