Pekin, for- that purpose, to absolute command ; but it would be
difficult, and perhaps useless, to. ;sta-y against the Gplao’s
inclination^- yé't the Embassador^had hitherto but>very
litifltime^or advancing in th§ç|ÿ|>ject; of. his mission j
and lie elmld’nOt avoid wishing, to persOvere'a little long;:
er, in the hope ofosendering-the administration .more ,gCf
hefally JjliOpitious towards it. ; In tfogse cireumstan^ess
the same-friendly person whohadgiven privateintima-
tiën-'bfrthe answer, and whowas thoroughly- acquainted
with the .-court of Pekin, and hactsoriie knowle^g alsf
Mlfrilincreafeg hardships of the.rtx^de.^and!:traddi£ at
Canton, suggested, that “ the- Chinese !had nanther,id©a
il of an Embassy, than that of a visit-with presents-on
<! some solemn festival, and to last only .during the.con-
“ tinuance of the latter ; that accordingly j,»ofThe .many
“ Embassiesisent to them in the past aisdeprésents <aen_-
“ tufy-rrione of them were suffered-to pass that period;
“ that1 in f he present reign>the 'Embassadordf. bheiPer-
'tuguèhe, the most favoured nation,.wa® dismissed-in
“ thirty-nine -days ; that the Chinese had ,little notion
“ o f ehtering into treaties with foreign countries ; but
“ whatever business might be desirable to transactyvjith
“ them, must, after a favourable foundation for’ in la id
“ by the Compliment of-an Embassypbe, afterwards:pro-
“ Secuted to effect by slow"degrees, for that much might
“ be obtained from them by time and management, but
“ nothing suddenly-.- That -it was true, the.oppressions
b y Th'eHnllrior'-offic’ers ,'and: Stfrefei -who had to,-deal
withustfenf&^ffGantonv ha^bLe^x iao ^m ^ ^g . grg-
’’iu a f iy ; um^sF^u^leS^ by ’JpMtww 'mist? ip; :tk&
tive'rbut thatlofo giving uup tli ey t-r#df s *§n t i fel y, p ro f
fsehS inigfes aE ■ 1 a sl^an' em?l§a#y, jj to ^ ijf t|^ ‘s>fe^|%§g4inst
'tlfexT; thatuthleSoonjer,^ #5 had.-b'eten? urt-
Htdriakemf ithe* bettdn# ihafcf had' the,f|»r<e§§rf % ar
t-eotMe?, and%d©F§ ihevtrj^'bljsj in p ^ p cH ^ d l indigo
pps^d* thelChihSe sminisfry s fcribunal$|^giin$tptlle
?Shlallss(finnbvition, .it l^puld ;h agddi a;dideWe®di||o;fliv-
li&s sWien'caunfer. in the-pjltsiifl jbut t-hnA, f^lieoplgseiftt'
mission;had made such an'im^j#ssi©n»^^ju'gji^|^ the
empitrijas Mus%lfMd:=tfdb&^fi#i^^(5Ms#.<$i.'^%S#l?''fa-
vcrtir o f■’ tihedteh glkhl notwifeitodirigi an y .
taty-%bstfudtio'hV’; and that
MonS' would af dnisltfb^ at}a|sta?nd: ..that Suoh*$vW the
nature and practice? of that
h o ^ e ^ li,tadveBS.e‘ in the^feginning
sitions, lest it should be s-utprised -intojsin uii45*i,c;ji|^ijJ|
ceSsiomor imp roper- regti 1 a t-ionjf the sa
be'biought again,» whin tftcjjolhmiye noVelty>v6l^th\y
idea' was'dyer,'into; a #&5e%^|^t§r^nd '.diSpagsi’w a tl
! cOitsidhf atidn^J thht this?eyilnf^%ht;b;^i^^p%t,ed by
lift 'means of lefiteis^serit from* dneis^^iiidgni
other'by'thd Annual- §!bips$j wh ieh. migh t tfefdone without
impropriety* n o ^ th a t t^ftgoin mun ifdation hadbejen