Visit to the
their Yoices, > as' to resemble the; effect of the musical
glasses'at a distance. Thyperformers-were ;directed in
Riding from one- tone to^anMherjbyhhe: Striking of a
shrill and sonorous eymbaf; and the >judj§i^pf .music
among the gentlemen of the Embassy'werdt.much
pleased with their exeeutibn. The whole had undeed-a
grand effect. During the performance*, and at particular
signals, nirie>'times Repeated, all the persons .present
prostrated themselves nine times, except tE^jEmbassador
ahd his suite, whoimadd-a profound obeisanfce^. But: he
whom itWWmeahcto honour, eontinuedy as if it were
in imitation of the Deity-, invisible, the whole time.
The .awful impression intended to be m^de.rq^p^ihe
minds of men, by this apparent worship >of &?rfeflpw
mortal, was not to be effaced by any immediate tsqenes.of
sport or gaiety, which were postponed to the. folio wing
day; It was not deemed, however, inconsistent to visit
in 'the mean time some of the temples in the neighbourhood,
which had been erected by the Emperor.^Sjjn-ta*
zhin, one of the courtiers who. had been o f t henparty
through the garden, politely offered to accompany the
Embassador. This Tartar chief was lately promoted to
the rank of Qolao, or to that first clakt of mandatihes^qf
whom there are not above half a dozen in the> empire.
He had; some time since, been employed in the frontiers
of Russia, to accommodate disputes that had arisen with
that nation. He said, that he had negotiated ayt Hiachta
with 'a RussmiS^IMraiSasfR& 'Wore a'1 ted riband?|ijd star
like thase of the^Embassador| ^ ^dr.with'!this generalihg
lency had f 3rmer^WeefnWpon^iln%MOThohthat3CpiJ|try
from Ms Majesty, heWas Wefy.paKHcWlanih^ilinquiraes
codcernifig the; nfcHls^lpower,,»33®!*
that botmtii InhiMurlr, h^nsWejedr^vefaktjliiSStiops
oficurifesityahilegard foitChiba, Thefe qOhfergajihihbe-
came.i'fffer!esti|^| and, iia-slffeje'dSg^eeyednfidenjTaj^He
was intelligent ahd attentiveil-Sand thefsoft <ddhjtijn%]3y
which! c«amenced at this tMjgf Hetyeen’himi and? i the
Embassaddn, ;be'came afterwards of;m'u.chuse..
•'Th the.*£joursef<@f their! ridOdogethferion -4he^r|£en3;
jocc-a^on, !■ th ey iidsitedl several t©mples%ts|fa8e <js f ood Op
:ghntle elevations, §ome-on th e plain, and» others on the
stimmit'of high hills,, appro'achabJe onfyj by rti-hyhWtfls
of difficult ascent.; Of those ? temples, not
fewer tham five hundred g iff^ ta tu S ^somexthat bigger
than thedife, of deceased lamas ofreriowned san|tfiyf?;
Somef^ehe represented iSmth§> Attitudes Of constraint and
inconvenience; in' which, .from ah impulse.hf extraordinary
devotion,-and adsecret tdesirgjof being admired for
it,, they preserved tbe«vbwuthey 'had made to? continue
whilst they lived. But the most! eonsidierablcfdurtdation
was the Poo-ta-la, or'grand temple of FosfHmnsdsting of
one great; and SeveMabSmaller' edifices. Thd/principal
was a grand cathedral Of ai square form, each 'side jpf
Visit to the
cou rt.