Han-choo- ' jgni
at sun-fîsé, and approached, by noon toeighty. Those
yfeisSitudes began td affelt the health of some persons
of the5 Embassy-; tho the illness ofimift%so£ the fjlard
was, perhaps, cMeftyowing to-repletion and want of exercise';
In passing by -some vîllâgês;i several wdmerrwere seen
at thein dotes 'Witfiftekk and’ reels employediés spinning
cotton. Some also assisted in the Harvest * whnfwsredittle
tn fee dtstingiÉsÉed from the^men, by any ^delmasis tff
features' d^'dbfrüplexioi#'' SI The generafeelMKcacter ofilihe
“ persons Of those womenp’ accofdifigto the observation
Of Mr. Hickey, who, in the: course- o f his?pSroffessionv
had pârticùiarly studied ^the human form; “• was there*-
of: what is generMly^corisideredt asïteleganfe©ï-
* ‘ beautiful. Their dieads were forge; and tOpnd^ and
*.» their stature doW, apparently not dbove six. difigths
WoPÉïe head. Their shape was wholly concealed
the neck downwards by- loose: dresses;sithey
wore wide trousers from the waist to th e small of the
“ fog ; and their feet and ankles were wrapped round
“ With bandages.” Thbse of a mott elegant form werfe
probably not employed in these rude labourer. And a
cusfonl^whft#^ said to subsist in Ohiria,: mdst m àdm
te a u ty fàr* in- the lower classe» of life. It is assured, fhp#
the young maidens distinguish«! by their faces o r their
figure, are taken or purchased from their parents at the
figéAif fourteen; for the fise of-the powerful and opulent.
Accident! hadlferawm n few of these within view of the
ffigcftirnCss-anddelLcac^Eol^heif complexions,- and the
beauty an'd'regnfority ©f thfeiri'featWse'e.Sija^eAtitled- to adr
miraei'0n''.;rlSotneii0'£.rrhose who did not;Appear indiscrb
but whom* curiosity impelled .to quit
thhir houses to see the extraordinary strangers;pass, Were
s©meHnkes*fioote^;back by Ghinese of<the' © t p ©r * sex, as
if reproachingtheniffor expQsing>hmn,selves:ito.yhe sight
©fithebarbamans, :
Mr. Hickey, to the circumstance of tsmaJUieye’g; a t ^
%thy#gCrmraliy t®cthe Chinese of both' ssieii-adds
“ ,most: o f ; the men had blunt noses turned upwards,
I high cheek fiories; .andJargc dips,-with- complexions
i* dark and muddy. Thei#hair %as^uniy.efsallyKblacb,
< ‘ and: -stf ‘■•thick: stock} 'strong- that, comparatively,^ #my
“ liken the b a irb f Europeans to the pife o r fur of the
“ 'srnaMe^animals.5 The Chinese -often,wear-whiskers,
“ and encourage the growth of a beard upon the. chin,
“ •which:is suffered to descend in. straight lines;”
*■ At this: seasUnpfharvest; an adtive cheCrfuliless geeth:,~
cd^petlsad&bolhvs^se^ Theyappearedfoabe sensible
of labouring dor theirowri profit. | Many ofthe-peasants
are owners- of the land theyfoyltivate* There ate no
great and speculative:farmers, aiming,-at monopoly or
Combination in the disposal of their produce* and .©v<pv
Whelming''vrith. their wealth' the poorer husbandmen,