drawings* orf its; in ternaf structure; ar e ;somtetimfesi pfeh
lished'; ww|these are and consulted,
perhaps; dftetter to find o#7 ther d amef of ■ the "Spirit
under wHo^protectioii ea«b parti eutar-' pB^isqabtecdl
tteflifor^tfcerYktg ftsdbrMP and! situation.
I-ti is*'a matter'of doubty whether natdral;Mstl>fy^nlfi
t ta r a io p h ilJ ^ p li^ ^ chemistry^ be; as soienteesVffittdh
more' improved than? anatbiAy in Chlnar There "are'se*.
veral 'treatisteSf, indeed.,I off particular'!subj©3ts^ in
T h e Ghinesediltewise progress"a’'velfy vofamtnoifis ertey1
olopediaj cOMtaifiing1‘ffiaMy<’ faet§ 1 and of&eiVatibnS relative
to< them?’ but from 'the-' few'researches’ whiteif the
gentletoen; o f the Eidifessyifed^leistfreWfWpjMrturiitj^’tO
mah©, dming^thlir shott ! vis it’to the country, th£yrpter’-
ceiv«i; nooffaees' o f any geiferal system r#r'doctrine b y
w h ich separate facts’ or obserVatiotls ^e^enoniteth'a'iffd
compared, or ‘ the* common' * properties o f bodies^ asterA
tainted- bytexperiment; or'where kindred artS^wHfe'cdrP
ducted on similar views'; or rules framed | or deductions
drawn* from) analogyr-or principles laid dowh'fO coflsti-
tutma seienteet • Fop some ehereis ’not ey®nr a tfamev T h e
Chinese1 books.1 are ’full o f the particular1 prdeeSses'arid
methodspby which a variety; o f effects are' produced5 in
chemical and mechanicalarts; and mrtteh might"pro!-
bably be:gained; from the perusal o f them, b y persons
versed.atthe'same time in the language of'the dgScribSiS;
and'acquainted withithe subjedtuf the deSterJptiteifi. rik s
soon as the .'praduqt ofnaniysart or mte^faetnre has ap- canton.
pearoqpoi an&u^n‘the^plietta.1, purpose for which :ii was
intended,' it seldom'Jb^ppeps-jthat.theiKlhiiaaesiH&^^rer
is either impelledpby Hi sSjc^iols^y,- or enabled by his
opuleneei,! td encteaypdb'fia mate any further progress}
either towards- superior. el^ah«e^,yar qmarrieh fcj'QBieven
ino|eased. utility. vT h s iu '^ P fi metals, c'ommon
pu&po^ oF lifted has made4thl|Chi®te|^di3ieh«M| them
in' thedbe^ell of. thtei'eartlv j5^b$l|Q Jrhey have1 found all
thoso.tihat aset dogmed 1 perfect] ifesespt platinai , Pejihaps
they .ha^Ctidofedthe ^knowledge,'. or: fixiteansi ofiPisi§% the
cheaped; - and shortest method^ oh :s.eparati>ng. jshe tpreciom
metals; 1 from- ■ th© substance» amongst - wh ich . theysbari
fouhiv; .nqpoh-reducing thei oreldfnbthers. into, their ire»
speteti*vd‘ metafls but- th ey-perle'cti'^^b&e’^i« mf-ohtainv
ingdhem, witbpuOalloy,- whlah>v,er>itjhei'r obftefitl^s;tej 'cfe
s<£ ;dandnin- making'such mixtures» ofisthem; asproducmthe
results- theydeshe,.^ The. mines w hich ate sM-dStdJbe in
Ghihiy.containing gold, a> metal».ekeemeditheBe more
precious from-its rar|tjyuhau.itstuse,^areiS@Wamipermitted
to: beiWorked; but small grains ,d€ut' aTet eolleoted in the
province oh Y-un-nan andiSo-ehuem, 'amohtg the-sand in
the>beds;Of th© riverst^and terpehts.. which ciWyitjb down
along-with‘^hem as they.dteseend drorm die ,■ mountains»
m fs,< pale, soft,, and ductile» A >fiawt mandarines f.aird
many women .of rank^i'woar bracelets oftlshis-metal irOnnd
the wiist) not-;more fbn ornament,'.thaif from aiinabian.