Jtmrney i
For raising < other plants, the camellia - sfesa-Hqua, and
divers firs, particularly th en ar chi are. cultivated with
The^oollection o f manure is an object of soinueh attention
with the Chinese, that a' prodigious numhte'f'bf
old men and women, as well as of children, incapable
of much other labour, are constantly employed*? about
the streets; public roads, banks of canids8, and -.rivers^
with Baskets, tied before them,' aEnd Kolditegvih'their hands
small wooddns rakes to-piek" up the*-dung j S B H J
and offals of any kind that may answer-thefp^dsglff
manure .; but above of all others,^except < 6he.s(bi|igVoF
fowils, the Chinese f a rm e r like the Romans,-laoeoMy
jng to the testimony of Columella, prefer,rspt|jrf$« the_
matter collected by nightmen in London,- in .the vwh-
n ity o f which it is, in feet, applied to the same uses;
as has already been alluded to in describingaa Adiit
to the Lowang peasant,- in the first volume f j ji <this
work. This manure is mixed sparingly rwitfe * forc
tion of stiff loamy earth, and'formed into bakes,' dried
afterwards in the sua. In this state it sometimes becomes
an object of commerce, and is sold to.- fawners
who never employ it in a compact state. Their first
care is to construct large cisterns for containing, besides
those cakes and dung of every kind, all sorts? of -vegetable
matter, as leavek,; or rOots, or stems of plants, mud
from the canals, and offals of animals» even to the
shavings^eollect^dlb^he barbers. dWithjsaM these the*y
mix ass feiiUfcb»sanimal ^kdrJJ'as1 can bc^pbltected,3©nof
cmmon^yfal^Fy^a'S^^lb^luteftbeJ wkblBj, and in this
state, iglneraMiyl!® fhe7actl “©if. putfei# lfertentation, they
apply itrto the^pl®ug'he%|or %?oke^je#i!,thi. -jdn various
parts ©ina larm, and?irc,'a-rpjfth’s <aH(l rMjj’dsda.igmoartheil
yessels: are J^uhied?t°
commndstfioia&of ?thd. nflay
haY4Muccasion:B;tp|iusfe|fsthe^rj In ■ small kdijisejt
builtdafso upon the Ifiink ^©broads j and5 in the fneigh-
bourho©d|dfiyitla^4#'^e't^oi|^afle<fedmS*tr^lated of’^Gbi^
pfctftnaterials to prevent the^hlbJspli^Mbf,#hat^erth ey
re@ei>ve',i and stra'WfSi^wfull^throW^oy&nitihe^su'rfeae
firnmVtime to time toj step# the'-hvaporatiOn. An fib §U,ch - a
value is’Jse#.upon the.'prih<dp'Mi ingredient for.-manure;
bhai/thenold^ti and most helpldskpWs^ns>k®;4in|ttde0m-
ed^4.©l’ly->uselesStQ Jthmfamily by' whichVthey arte supported.
The quantity of manure cofleotedby a!® these means;
must however‘be still dnadte*qu4t§4:b »that“ofsthfeicub
tured >groundv which' bears^so'4va'st W^^lpopof tiori -to t:hte
whole surface;of the.'Oojinfrry. ' It i#reserYe(d iheYefej*^,
in the first instance‘Tor tfe pu¥pds'e of - procuring $quick
succession, of culinary^Yeget^blbspan'di for' ^forcing 'tli'e
production of fldwfetfs^nd fruit. Among 'the'i'vf
raised most {generally andsi in fhl^giVea t e st'tju a ntities is *4
species or, variety o f bfassica, Oalled; b ^ th p ’ Chinese