Mfoi time, and considered as bdlai^iligito the’Emperor, w®ce
covered in the same manner. Those,-roofs, uninterrupted
by chimnies, an d indented in the sides -and ridgespint®
“'gentle curves, with an effect more pleasing than wouM
be produced, by long straight lines^jYfereiidQitifid with
ai vAiety of figures, either in imitation of real ob-
ejects, or, more commonly; as , mere'iwiorkswofi fancy ; .the
whole- shining like-gSld: under a brilliantsun, immediately
caught the eye with an .appearaæfce fbfrgrandeuJ
in that part of buildings whefe i t •was not; accustomed
to be sought for. Immense magazines öT iitóe: were
seen near thé gate. And lookingnfrom Ttfito th ei left,
along the eky wall/ wàs pebcêivfed Ëtajj elevated iedihcè/
described' as an observatory erécted, in the fetaefe Jdf*
nasty, by theemperor Yong-loo, to whom the tehiefi embellishments
of Pekin are said to be owing.
In front bf most of the houses in this main Street were
shops; painted/ gilt, and decorated like thîke I of ;4fortg4
choo-foo, but in 'a grander style. Over some, ck them
I wéte bfoad terraces, covered with shrubs and flowers.
Before the doors several lanterns were hung; of horn,
muslin, silk, and paper, fraiûés, in varying the
form-of which, the Chinese seemed to; have nkrastSed
their fancy to the utmost* Outsideth© shops/as well as
within them, was displayed a variety of goods: for sale; ^
Several circumstances, independently of the arrival of
strangers, contributed to throng so wide a street. A pro-
'cessiphfwasbioving fowaMs tHl'ga% in wfiichthe white
or-bridal-colour,• a^c^difegbrOitEuiiopeah ideas,,of the
persons whQ'f0rmM^iffi'sreuied at' first-'to’ adnhtfnce'. a
but thita^pfefiianlsl)f'y(lh^|!men
■overwhelmed '.Wit®rg^f s l ^ ^ t fW torbe a funeral!,
mueh M g itched' bhanthelJcdS^^
twined iffil hahdstftne'squaf^eai^fshadid within carropf*,
painted^withfpyJarfd KveTy iMiurs,' 'and $«$<$$$ by
standardslofeaffe'gafced..' silks. Behind it Werbvsedan
tchair^eolferld'with whliteSclodf; '6©d ta%ingldlr e‘,fefnale
refabifinsVaf th'e tMe'd^ed1; the whites^dibil-/ denOti^#fi
"puba, tire! affittio k ©fiffidie w h o t w e l r i s ^ l o u s l y
avoidfetlbfi such, a t wish to<man#^fe sentiments H H E
tr try ?fcirid .4 ifeil'therefore n&Vbrfed/m the fcej^feohy
nuptials !^{eit%oon a fte rw a rd ^ ^ h 'lll th
unsetndl^s the di^d<f|r0%l^ 'TS&Pied in J | | l d ah d -gaudy
■chair,- KdngfJbQnd Wkfe-feito;6’n'§Jdf artificial flowers^ and
follo^edsbyvrelations, ktendants^ahd/servants, bearing
the paraphernalia; ,being the only po tio n . .given w ith a
dati^hteh, in marriage, ifoy lielfip%ents.' -The/Crowd was
m>t a little'increased by the mandarin e fld rank, ap|M'r|
ing always v^ith numefous-^ttefidarits^ a id k ifl
cirdle^^f the 'populace ifoudd -amtlillneefs^ VkndeWWf
si%drs;i juggfer^;nhd,storytellers,
beguiling1 thei? feearer^ o la 'few dM ie ir che'rfjdr
Copper'' money; | intended* probablyifor dffeeTpurpbkb
Among, tfie»storiesktHateangh%at' this moment, the ima-
VOL. IT. £