lQu®6ytto (pssoeBing, like -^ p e rfe ct,. rhis othei^arment^/'jSjjcK a
Igps» \ ' - mantle^is the. 'higheist~disti.Tietio.n! at presents known in-
•China.; and imprintsmssifejwerq, somewhat difim S&pred
.ch^®ter^onth^iv.eEper.' The osdeildf dxe'glrajg^auiZhe-
hol, to|whomcnbfrhmg.:€auld commudidatefrespect \yhite;
to ighorange^and .poverty they. ad<id:'me,anh;esstan:d[ ,rrjaer
gularatyioh conddfct,^ derive^ho credit from' 'beirigacl^i.
entirely in that! colour ; buya. partipnly;
layman^j the .aw^and cohsider-ation\dhalI hanks: „
Ch&Wrta-Zhin andy^anfa-Z-hin, tBqe.enjo.jipg .the
-appellation pfi g re a t mm, avoided: .meeting the Embajsl
sadordn his visits to Sun-ta-Zhin, ^as'/tlpy shouidqhe
pbligeAitai stand in id* presence ; and fthe.;iiiaterp]P8J-
onen?Y'pihring to sit down befap^ham.iyf^s bali^^
quickly Ipy himijtr;his duty. Tfae jnferionimandgrines
* ari(4>|rtiid§ attendant uponfth^Embassy^ho;Iq|ife^al-
fimjjted^ asdwhen under the ,4®¥ctiongqf tire ifiegaflg, to
constrain thg gentleman] oT the Embassy dn theiir excur-
sions* upon shore! The latter took care themseLvfesinei-
;ther to a c t indiscreetly, nor to delay the .frrogfess o f ^he
yachffifidEpie country from Tong-chodrfoo-as far ayTien^
sing, was, indeed,- not new to them; tho the difference of
theiseason and the culture; had altered in some .degree3 its
aspect. The. fields were parched b y the. long continuance
o f ; thg drought; Jbut, as in.many places dhe bechof the
rive^badlbeeh jraisedi^above die adjoiningigronndsv ^y
the gradual accumulation o f soil tipon its-bottom, and b y
the accession of njiw mound» 1®*'-jfctevient its inundation; jonmey to
those.grounds were J’vyathr.ed- with -little difficulty or la* fco.
bourythrough .s%a|ees made from it as from an elevated?
canal. Whereritile river was upon a level w ith Jthe
adjacent country,’ aimore opetos;emethod of irrigation
Was sometimes practised by the neighbouring cultivators.«
Two of them, stood '■opposite dp! each other, on two pYo-.
jecting: Banks, holding topes; fixed to; a; basket, whipfs
swinging?!© and fro for a considerable« time, they gave it