Passage ujfli “ from the,,plain/ÿ>®£ Bengal] at tto,distans;êioffrflrie> hjun^
- e C1- “ çîred.andfiftytmilei^$ire/vMàjoîijRés®el|;^ipf^||^e®i^
y oê that,elevated-t r a c t t l M f i p
‘jjjsiv'érs .of Indiafand. Chipa, imtltq.tbQSyt&ls®j ©frlS jhef fô
i'yt ainduTartaiiy.” T h e chmàitecis^E#nâlrka»bly» &ifê8E%>tha
situatedgin the s©®thern'parfc afethejiempêÿ|f^?PnPï?hn "
der th e îfèrtieth deghee i^nQrthflj.titndé^ « B es idPdkë'dift
ifrulties ijwhich suebspcountry
pàssagetof a n army, the Mll&whiehtIweee feotiherîtey^BS^
on the,- Nâpâul side# werfrsaidio ibicfdrfefieid^yTi't© Xh§
RajahjshoWn army-was eonside^blè^ and; fiusb c d -whih
former successes.,- He ’ was. not, perhapSiMfeithôÿit-t' hppe
of military’ .assistance fromjBengal.'; Hfepla^feedriit *â%&
neighbour and an ally. He hâd, by-many hfiqndlyr.adT
yaueg&jlong sought, to form an intimate connection with
thegBritish government';© and which was then recently
. éj|§eted lÊËËÊÈitâfrufe ofacomméreial treaty;. It was fflw
upon, Bengah to'obtain iro.m thence thé use bf Érefopsfçfe
partiçulànseïiiipëfej and about this time; a ysroall detaefe
ment w é sent to ,the Rajah ;of Deringha, to epahl^dtipi
tôifefbyefiipptsessibti, q£ his rçqufntry îlyiiig | f < thg
ward of Bengal; pot fàr frotn thé western, bonodaries. of
China.; iandîanothert'detkchmenttyvas..’sent toapreir seine
disturfra np©sph Assampacedsi©ned principally ?hy bands
fefiŸagabpnds * from * Bengal., The Rajah o£r^apaul :en-
and-spread'the rrepo'rdb&h’awpg received di, in asp-
der+to intimidate hisienemie's.y!^
s" On th^therihandj^th^ghnjerahofjtheChirifeseifbrces
W|çte|ih -a lofty tstyle.,|fe0 thei%yémohfôehër.afeof Bern
gal, desirmigv. in||he-hamei ©iahistraasterp V ttè&hflm&fflôj
J:dhè. | imperial '.rae%,j tk&tèunjÿ the jfâttçamêïit, oJ^honoUr)
xt\h?^£ Semf?imtk^àçEâa)m and ‘Arêûei\q$, the
w m m ter™toti‘es\i that Britisb^trodps,« skouhte befsènt
‘éjtaséizë.andohastize.the Rajat&a^he de|Se^|â|” Among
th© extravagant.ideasnwbichth e unlimited authotitoof
fléesqyehei|nshpfi China ^ o ^ g l l thiri^pmMediately
arouhHrthj^dv haddedlthenar t|yfnté|tai®^lvvfaskhat' of unife
yei^al monarchy si and ^fenunuiafebrçof sojafespadatclainij
isonentioned af&anJinstane© ®f tbejmoderatidnt and good
feensepqfc th^presenjtÆmpbror^ It ^ h ow e v e r,! possible
lîîàbsome. such notions g still pr-évalémih the mind of this
comntandër.of his troop à | mayîh aWer in duc eU t h é»l attei; to
expect ân immédiate-compliance with his'dfesiffe-on the part
of a British goyesridr.Thiel lettep eonyeying.this-désiré
was, written;hafthe? language! :of. tWEmperor Ms-master,
and qquld not th en ^ Calcutta ; but. the
substance, of it wa^^ another from Dha-
|.ary Tama, at that time .reigning in Thibet,