Han-choo- fp©i>
opfea air with é.ase,. both by the ,seed aadrhy J the< root.
The Ghinfese .distinguish many varieties ©if this species
of thelayjpphea.; ,
The canal whiéhili ad hitherto ïbeeHB >ëmfeanke4.j!.onfy;
©n;hnfa©fits -sides, wasiarow^so oh both, i curi4
pus specfee<4ewthó nobwithout modern exanfcpfejwrtpon a
smaller|seakr le;®efeiyast .body m£ water-,? forc#lertpfbp!
human skill-and-industry, into amar-rawweh pmel;jse^fl
raF yards. afeQrpdtsdbrmer-bed^ and -flawing aiongykthalt<•
airy state, till afefinds a:)eoFrespondin|;l^fcat^a f ^ s f c
flyiable dlstamtate XhyeaBtkfio embankraerjtsrin th ^ p a rt
ofthecanal, were .supported by retainin g^alj^ief Qoaj-s^
grey marble, cut into iai^e bloGks, and Gemep.ted“.,tögeth<l6
With a kind-of mortarr Those walls
feet in thickness^dand the large, stones onp^^tSip W|f$>e
bound together with? i clamps of iron, 'Thjd.panaLjM^®
here, infant,,ail aqueduct much elevated aboyenthe adjoining^
country, which, whejevefc^yaVlRS
crowded w ith villages. The «grounds beneath ^ d n u n r
dated during a, .considerable, part of the year! andfewerg
cultivated ,in uieejiwhose stems shot ahoYejhefsiiiift
Much o f. the r low grounds in the- middlfe andisoutlMr^
provinces of the empire are appropriated»^ fhM fiuj|ui§
jpf thatigrainv. It constitutes,;in üact.-tbe principal part of
the food of jail those inhabitants, who.arhnotx© indigent
as to be forced to subsist on other and cheaper kinds,of
grain. A great proportion - of the. surface of the country
is* well; ©«productiono€r '• 1 la■ cme ^iwhiehi, from jMo^u^rfntaeayaa tjgoa
the 4imeitheJeediisre.ammitt<edftOfthe ».soil, till-? the plant-
approaohessto,-jnatiteityk rj:qnh.esbtorlae p immensedfriin a
sbeefeof water:: Many and gifeatiriversjrun through* the
seperal * pkoyinCesydfi (Jhirtay the, lo we grotands;bordering>
on^s^mtjsi«®,! dre’annuallytiaaandatedjdjyfwshieh means!
is brought upon .their, surfaco/adrieho mud or. mumlagA
thah'fe«tili®eS} tfeisoi‘l;, - in tket same- manner asiEfypfcre-
ra^jMes-fitysfeeundatwe /qualit^sfrom,the.?over.EQwang!jbfi
ther; NileoluXMe pg-kQdaoabjrainsf .which»fall meat vfehe
soUriaisgjf'therS^Jiyl and the KiangmieBs, snptijvsRy
fegjfcajtMtofn fafikim: -tihoaenoff ithes-Qa-ngm'. and the Bururn^
pp&Ler.ij jimdng; the mountains'!jbound-ing India, to the
nMthiiand China, tp the Wek&:,o£tehi'syifell tbois^pivera
t&a' psPodi^feMs -height,- thov notja^dropsioflram should
IvaYe» fallen op the.'plains througfriwhich theyi after wards
.taAfile&fFe.-tnndjhas fain Isesne days-jupan the p'laiais in
Chinbprepara hops -*a®e madmfbri. plaotirtg-f the® with! •
bank: of-elay the- earth is ploughedlupj a-ndaniip^
gi|kt harrbw with af^roW^of/ s^oddefewtpinh in?fche>lower
endk i^dtawnilightly hy.^buffaMlI IRhe? grain
whichthad previously besnstedped'jn duhg>dBe£feedwabh,-
animal waterjkstfrhortjSowh Ysgoy? thickly oh-it.^A^hin
she,el o f walekkiimmediatelyj'trbpght'iOvdB it-,riekhenby
ehannelg;!leading(»to-thficspofefrpin asshu&enabcwe, it* or