.of the .roofs. Cords were? attachftdnto canvas, with a
contrivance to enable-persons underneath, to mp^teh'db
w h s t e F j f i l o admit the air j nto those
places from, whence, the sjm successively withdrew. I
The morning after The arrival ef the Embassy,,, every
person belonging to it partook' of a banquet , to which they
werf inyhed by the mandarines. It waS’doqnied,fromifhe
hour of giving it, a breakfast; but w hich, from the kinds
and quantities of viands served jWas equabtp tho mOstsob-5
stantial repast- Tho tea be. made toaecompany ;qr follow
fycry meal,ft does not constituteThe principal partiof any!
The tables were spread in suchdifferent parts n f the new
storehouses, as h appened to bmvacant, , .Nomthcr place,
under,cover, was sufficiently ampler ItiSeemedvA^this.
instance,; tOfbejtheffihinef^^tiquet^d^h^hSth'ffi^tofE
dinary. mark of civifityjs intended,; to in^m^fiWdh th i
principal pbject of it, the whole nT his attendants of
every,, de^^e^;. Invitations to partake oef--..the; gratified
tions of the table are,, it seems;, considered<.#£, sp.essem
led a pordoftjof good-hreedipg, that they were; nofetehe
ojmtipAj0^ the present occasion,, tho the;jw^pitalityj!of
the; Emperor rendered every other a matter: of sufSre^q-
Tfie assemblage of people was;, sq great upon the
broad r sandy hc^chr between the temple and the
that booths wotR Affcted tbnr%; in which a vacj^tyjgf an-
tides* but principally fruits and liquor&j were exposed
to sale.. The-!StandS/?t'f% shaded by quadrilateral roof?
If-canvas, supported from t-he’centre by a single,-pole
stuck inlo the grdl^hdfs/*Eire% fosbooking victuals,,;were
made in 5thgY,opPn, at® and»-fire-engines^er^ ct,. hand,
nearwater, jnsq^eqf accidents-arising from thern^,Those
engines were' conttruOted on •prin’ciples,, ;sj|iailar to those
of Europe; and they a^said to bWv%d&fbn jntrodq d in-’
to China, and partly from ^gtyriafsbrouightdromthence?
sii#A the conflagration whinb -happoned^t (pantorH in
Lord Anson’s time.twfeoh th® use’ of them, by hh/Sadors,
hdd'SO great'an'effect in stopping it- " QthefyiEmmppan;
improvements and convenienep^will prohab]Y)bc^dppp,
ed by-the Chfneseias the intercourse with them shall increase
; and the dxpQrtatiphfpfiSU^'iftrti^c^^lpnO'drbiW.
Eh^Iahd h likelyito add£'materialiy\tQdts^n’t¥Th^r9^tfeF
n Amopgst all tho crowds’- assembled
f©£>V ofi those.; which the approach ‘.of the* -Embassy,* had:
attracted*fm other placgg, dncA its entrance ipjto,China,
not «one-person in . the-*-habit of a beggar had been sitem,
or any-ppe observed to solicit charity. 4 ^ ° smallpoitioft
of the-,people seemed, it is true, to be in a stat^approachr.
ing -indigence; but none - driven ^tonthf WACfts^ty,.' or{
ihlirdd tb-ilie habit, of cravingjasshlaBG'A?frqm3 Strfmpfi?
The present was not, indeed, one of those :seasons-.of|ea-
lamityy Which destfoys or diminishesfbe usual|j^onFcg#
of the peasant, ■ and ♦ driven him- so$nftin|e$S ey-en info
criminal e-xefesses, to procure ^subsistence- In such- times*